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  • Roy Schott

    Thank you John. Yes I’m well aware it makes little difference what the DAW’s SR is just so long as it’s not less than that of the sample library’s intrinsic SR – cuz in that case there’d be some slight loss of quality. But now that I know the SD3 core library’s intrinsic SR is 44.1 KHz, it’s all good.
    Best regards,

    27" iMac, 3.1GHz, 32GB RAM; Clarett 2 Pre; Logic Pro X, Ableton Live Suite, Reason, Reaper; EZPlayerPro, EZD2, SD2, SD3 (complete).

    Roy Schott

    Thx – I usually look in user guides for definitive info but, as in the past, TT haven’t added this info in the user guide; indeed they’ve usually hedged their answers when users have asked this particular question about older products. And yes I can imagine what this and many other forums would be without patronisers patronising: rather more adult.

    27" iMac, 3.1GHz, 32GB RAM; Clarett 2 Pre; Logic Pro X, Ableton Live Suite, Reason, Reaper; EZPlayerPro, EZD2, SD2, SD3 (complete).

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