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  • Robin Gardner

    @Mazuwa said:
    Hi Rod.West,
    To do so for the Ride, you should remove all unused mics by drag’n’drop from the middle area (assigned X-drum mics) to the right side (unused), just keeping the OH mic, where there is X1-OH on the left side (X1 = 1st x-drum, X2 = 2nd x-drum, ….)
    For the very 1st X-drum you can use the Reset button. For the following you shouldn’t use the Reset button anymore for it applies to all X-mics.
    By the way, to remove a new created X-drum mic just left click on the new created x-drum mic and say Delete.  

    Hi! I like the post but I just wanted to Point out one thing when it comes to “removing an X-drum”… The new X-drum also creates a new mic channel in the SD2 Mixer and that wont be removed by simply deleting the X-drum. You also need to go into “Microphone Assignment” and delete the X-drum underneath “Mixer Mics”. 🙂 I had trouble finding this out so I just want to add this for anyone else searching for the answer to this. /Regards, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    Hi again, regarding my 2nd question…
    would the info here: work for Sd2 installs aswell?

    Regards, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    Ty! I think thats it = “abandon current download before changing download location”.

    So how about my other question or help request? Any advice on that? Its about moving toontrack programs to an external drive. Whats the best waybto go about doing this? Ive read other posts about it where they talk about “pointing” to the new location inside Product Manager… But I need to move certain folders first??

    Ty for any help. ?

    Regards from, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    Hi again,

    Well, I d/l’d it yesterday to the C-drive but since there was only like 2 GB left I couldn’t also install it on the C-drive. But it was possible to move the install to the D-drive, thus freeing up the space on the C-drive and install it there. Too bad I couldn’t d/l it directly to the D-drive in the first Place? But at least I could install the intermedeate version, not the full version I’m afraid. For that I need to free up more space on the C-drive…

    Which brings me to my next question regarding your programs…

    Well, I was wondering if it’s possible to move your installed programs to an external drive and use Cubase 9 (full version) with that when recording and mixing Superior Drummer 2? Then how would I go about accomplishing that? And would USB 3.0 be good enough speed for that? I guess USB 2.0 would not suffice… What external drive would be good for that? (I have one that works with either USB 2.0 or USB 3.0 and got plenty storage. Think it’s Western Digital (I can’t check that now))….

    Many regards, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    It said download couldnt be moved because nothing was downloaded. So it all became sort of a momentum 22 situation.
    However, I instead managed to free up a lot disk space on my C-drive so eventually its now on about 63 GB. Wow, had lots og garbage their I guess… Maybe some downloaded files forced on me by Microsoft when they “offered” a free Win 10? Anyway… So when I went back and started the Product Manager again it immediately started the download of Progressive Foundry. Though onto my C-drive of course. There wont be any space left there when the file is downloaded… But it will take several hours before that is done and Im at work now and left the computer running… See how it goes later in the evening! ?Thanks for replying.
    Regards, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    Thanks I just bought the Progressive Foundry, really like the sound of it and it seems the expansion most ppl like too. Still looking into the “Vintage” expansion, might buy that one later on though. Now I just need to get enough free disk space to install this expansion! Kiss
    Well, thanks again for your replay!
    Best regards from, Robin

    Robin Gardner

    Great News! 🙂 Then I don’t need to have both EZD2 and SD2 installed, when buying SD3!!

    Robin Gardner

    Hi, I’m just a user and I don’t know the answer to your question… Just wondering how many GB’s or TB’s of SSD you need these days on your C: drive? And how you handle all the data in Music production (the best way!) with all the music programs and plugins (DAW, Waves plugins, ToonTrack plugins, etc)? I’m guessing I need to to buy an internal 1T SSD hd soon to my computer??? My 250 SSD hd is almost empty and I need to buy AmpliTube 4 MAX, SD3, etc soon… 🙁

    Robin Gardner


    Is it okay to post your cover songs of famous artists/bands? It’s not like I have premission to make these covers from those artists/bands but it’s just for fun and my cover songs have not marketing value what so ever.

    Regards from Robin
    Keep rockin’ in the free World!

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