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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Robert Garcia

    Hi Steve ;

    All I can say as a user of EZK1 for 8 years and I’ve had EZK2 since day 1 . I had 1 issues with ED3 trial and they got back to me in 3 hours and it was user error my fault . I only joined the forums to tell the guys who built EZ2 how much I was enjoying their new software . About day 3 I noticed a very random bug and reported it . In a very short time  they said they couldn’t reproduce the bug , could I send them the file with the bug . I did and within hours they told me they had fixed it and it would be in EZK2.1 and thanks . I have rarely if ever seen a team like these guys while reading this forum . And I repeat to you Steve this is my favorite Midi tool , music creation  , songwriting gizmo ever .

    EZDrummer 2 EZKeys 2
    Win 11 ; AMD 5800x (8-cores)
    64 gig ram ; RTX 3080 ;
    Studio One 6 artist ; Protools 11.3 ; LogicX
    Taylor 416 c , Fender Elite Jazz Bass

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