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  • ricopolo

    Hello M. John Rammelt,

    Could you explain,  how do you change the double // to a single / ?

    thanks in advance



    I have tryed to install the midi pack here is what it says.


    Could not copy “Midi/000011@SUPERIOR_DRUMMER_3/kitpieces”.
    Try again?


    What should I do ? I have mac mini 2018 i7. osx yosemite


    Could yo

    • This post was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by ricopolo.

    It’s driving me crazy. I have 130gb of free disk space on my mac mini, and the download manager continue to say there is not enough disk space for downloading part 4, which is 50gb.

    Is it normal that there is not any groove, once you have installed sd 3 and the basic sound library ?

    I am starting to think I made a bad choice



    my problem is, I have enought space on my Mac hard drive, I also have enought space on my external ssd. But now, toon track SD3 product manager won’t let me dowload anything saying that there is not enought disk space. It also says that nothing is installed, althout I have already downloaded and installed part 1, 2 and 3.

    Do you have an explanation ?

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