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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Retina7

    ORIGINAL: juicy
    I think using the term Dupe is harsh.I understand the rest of your point but please be fair to the guys they do fantastic work.

    Sorry I didn’t mean to offend anyone, I was just trying to get my point of view across. Looking back on the post it seems far more aggressive than intended, my apologies. In fact if I have a good experience using the software this won’t prevent me from buying again, though I will take a look at the competition. Also if I had been given a refund I would have bought an expansion pack, and still have saved money.

    ORIGINAL: juicy
    My point is you find the deals on products that are past there initial release phase on the “specials” and TT just keeps them at their original price,no biggie.

    I did a 10 second search to see if this is true (on Sweetwater at least) and I couldn’t see that pattern appearing, new expansion packs are the same as old ones.

    ORIGINAL: juicy
    I am sure 80% of us paid full ticket on EZDrummer.

    I don’t have any way to test this one, but it seems highly unlikely that 80% of their sales are through their own site. I think you’ll find it’s closer to 8% than 80%, but I doubt we will get a conclusive answer.

    Again sorry if my last post came off as aggressive, this was not my intention.



    ORIGINAL: Martin

    We rarely or never have any promos or discounts at our website, we always keep the list price. In rare occasions, we may have promos but in those cases we make sure to let you all know about it. The reason is simply we don’t want to compete with our retailers as a courtesy to them. Download purchases are never refundable except in rare cases, such as when customer accidentally buy two identical products instead of one or when a customer by mistake buys something that he already owns.

    Hi Martin,

    I understand all of this, but when your list price is 3x the price you can find elsewhere it is getting well past the point of “not wanting to compete with retailers” and starts to look like “lets try and dupe a few people into overpaying, whilst still achieving a high sales volume by allowing a far lower price elsewhere”. Not saying that those are your intentions, but that’s the way I feel about the experience.

    As mentioned in the original post I am used to scenarios where the street prices are 2/3 the list, not situations where it is 1/3 the list. Normally I don’t mind buying direct as the manufacturer generally gets a fair end of the bargain, but this seems off the rails.

    Anyway I won’t bother you anymore, thanks for your explanation.

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