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  • Reinhard

    EZDrummer is a great tool, but if you are looking for grooves, that really fit your songs, the included patterns will usually not make it. My solution is to use a little drum tab editor called TabTrax, which allows to write your own grooves very easily. You can export your patterns from TabTrax to MIDI and copy these MIDI files to the EZDrummer folders to make them directly accessable via EZDrummer.
    I connect the output of TabTrax to EZDrummer with a virtual midi cable. When I write drumlines the setup is: TabTrax, virtual MIDI-cable (LoopBe), EZDrummer in Toontrack solo.
    Sometimes I refine the grooves in the Cubase drum editor as TabTrax does not allow that much volume levels and does not allow to include small changes of notes (1/256 for instance) to add some real human feeling. On the other hand it would at least take 10 times longer to create my basic drum lines in the Cubase drum editor. I have tried it in cubase and with lots of other drum editors. Nothing compares with TabTrax.

    There is however one limitation: you should basically know, how a drummer plays. Otherwise you should take some drum-tabs from the WEB, load it to TabTrax and learn.

    In any case it is worth to try Tabtrax, if you feel, that the EZDrummer pattern library does not really fit your songs.


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