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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • rdery43

    Hi, I use EZDrummer2 to record my E-Drums and stumpled upon a annoying issue where my (foot hi-hat) produces a annoying sound whenever I release it too hard. I found out that the sound which is actually played is the one of a ridebell, and more specifically, the articulation called “Mute-hit”. I would really like to mute or disable that sound completely, but I can’t seem to find any way of doing it, is it even possible?

    Hi , i completlly understand what are you trying say but i dont think its possible .


    Hi, I use EZDrummer2 to record my E-Drums and stumpled upon a annoying issue where my (foot hi-hat) produces a annoying sound whenever I release it too hard. I found out that the sound which is actually played is the one of a ridebell, and more specifically, the articulation called “Mute-hit”. I would really like to mute or disable that sound completely, but I can’t seem to find any way of doing it, is it even possible?

    Hi , i completlly understand what are you trying say but i dont think its possible .


    Hi, I use EZDrummer2 to record my E-Drums and stumpled upon a annoying issue where my (foot hi-hat) produces a annoying sound whenever I release it too hard. I found out that the sound which is actually played is the one of a ridebell, and more specifically, the articulation called “Mute-hit”. I would really like to mute or disable that sound completely, but I can’t seem to find any way of doing it, is it even possible?

    Hi , i completlly understand what are you trying say but i dont think its possible .

    • This post was modified 5 years, 6 months ago by rdery43.
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