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  • RcKDrUmm3R

    Just because there’s no clear answer in here: Yes you can record in Superior drummer 3. At the bottom of the screen below the song/midi track you have to hit the record (circle) button. In order for it to start recording, for some stupid reason, you have to hit the play button!

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide

    • This post was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by RcKDrUmm3R.


    Thanked by: Corporal Hicks

    Also note that the SD3 library is lower in volume overall, as compared to SD2 libraries.

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    Have you guys tried adjusting the velocity curves in the settings/edrums settings area?? If you pay attention to the line when dragging it around, it will tell you what the output velocity would be for the specified input velocity. So for lower velocities, if they’re too high, drag the line down so it lowers the output velocity for that input velocity.

    You can also drag the dots on the top down to lower/limit the overall velocity or drag the bottom dots up to increase soft/lower velocities for the selected midi note/instrument. Hope this helps!!

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    Definitely try changing to an expansion or SD2 library and see if you have the same issue. The SD3 libraries are a lot lower in volume as compared to SD2. My kit is mixed with pieces from SD2, Metal Foundry, and SD3 and I have to raise the volume of pieces from SD3 significantly.

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    Hey Frank I have the EXACT same issue with a DDrum module. I don’t think changing the e-drums preset will change the velocity or sensitivity, it may just change the way the midi notes are mapped. My drums play pretty well by themselves but with superior drummer 2 or 3 it’s not the same. Some drums don’t trigger the same or maybe there’s double triggering.

    What you need to do is adjust the velocity curves for each e-drum if they aren’t triggering the way you want. You can find this under settings, and e-drums settings. Pay attention to the line in the graph and create breaking points. You’ll see what the output velocity will be with the specific input velocity. So if your soft hits aren’t soft enough, make the output lower for a lower input velocity. Hope this helps!

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    Has anyone, who has SD2 or other SDX EZX expansions tried switching drums around? Ive noticed, like the one Toontrack representative stated, the SD3 kits and cymbals are a lot lower in volume than ones from SD2 and the metal foundry expansion.

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    So I have a Ddrum module, SD3, and an 18i20. I’ve noticed no latency when using the module (usb) or the 18i20 (midi), with correct buffer settings. Now my suggestion would be to use whichever module gives you the amount of inputs you need AND has more settings for customization than my module has. Settings like mask time and not just the standard velocity curves, threshold, sensitivity, retrigger cancel, and x-talk. This will make it play more realistic in SD3, but usually the more expensive and current modules have these additional trigger settings. One thing to keep in mind is you can add more drums with splitters if your module has the 1/4 mono/stereo inputs.

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide


    Thanked by: Ray Mitchell

    Are you sure you’re adjusting the velocity curves, in SD3, for the correct midi note? I’ve noticed when adjusting the curves, it won’t do anything. Then I realized it’s because certain drums, are assigned to a different midi note in SD3. To get it to match up perfectly with your module, you may need to change the e-drums preset.

    - Dan, Drummer of Deadtide

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