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  • ramoore

    Disappointing. Had I known upfront that damping the toms was not an option in EZD2, I would not have bothered purchasing it and would have went with Superior Drummer.

    • This post was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by ramoore.

    Thank you for clarifying!


    This may or may not be what you need, but here is how I assign EZdrummer 2 drums to the pads on my MPD218 using a Mac. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but this is how I get it done. Hopefully this will help some of you…
    1. If you have not done this already, download and install the MPD218 software editor (this is a must and makes drum pad assignments easy).
    2. Start both the EZdrummer 2, and the MPD Editor application so they are running side by side.
    3. In the following steps below, I will assign only a kick drum from EZdrummer to Pad 1 on the MPD218 controller.
    4. Using the default drum set in EZdrummer, click on the little black down arrow located on the head of the Kick drum. This will open up the “Kick” popup window.
    5. From within the Kick window, click the “Details” button to show the different drum articulations (Notice the “Note/Key” button in the upper right hand corner).
    6. Click on the button so it shows “Note”. Note the number that shows up in the window (In my case it is reads, “Hit  36”).
    7. From the MPD Editor application, click on Pad 1.
    8. At the top of the interface in the blue area, find the MIDI NOTE field and enter the number “36”. (This ties the EZdrummer kick drum to Pad 1 on the MPD218).
    9. Once done, go to step 10 to send your edit(s) to update the pads on the MPD218 controller (so when you play pad 1, you will hear the kick drum).
    10. From the MPD Editor tool bar menu, find and click on “Send To Hardware”. (You will recieve a popup window confirming that your edits were sent).
    11. Now, play Pad 1 on the MPD218. You should hear the kick drum you selected.
    That’s it in a nutshell.
    For effeciency, you will want to assign drum sounds to every pad while you have EZdrummer and the MPD Editor open. When fihished, send all your edits to your MPD218 at once. and play the different pads.
    You may also want to save your MPD edits to call them up later for different projects.


    Thanked by: TheReal7 and Ed L

    What a shortcoming. It’s hard to believe the program ever passed UAT.

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