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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • rainbow66666

    There is no interface, i have seen in tutorial videos people normal have a midi cable going into an interface and then directly connecting the itnerface to the pc.

    In my case i purchased a Midi to USB cable which has a split at the end of the cable for a Midi out lead and midi In lead. I put both Midi In and Midi out into the brain and connect the usb side to my pc. Only software I’m running at this point is toontrack solo which i use to launch superior drummer and then check for the device and you know the rest.

    So I’m assuming i shouldn’t have both a midi in and midi out plugged in? also is there anything else i might be missing do i need an extra software?

    I appreciate the replies guys I’m not very experienced in this field

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