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  • profirhino

    @lightsoutat12 said:

    Hi Scott,

    For me, Evil Drums does load up fine (with generic images, which isn’t an issue). However, the library doesn’t seem to show up in the options for adding X-drums or adding to stacks, which is very desirable.

    Do you have any workaround for this (other than loading Evil Drums as the base library and adding everything else)?


    ah, I see, so those floating gizmos are considered generic images ?
    stunning, innovative design – will make a lasting impression on clients !
    you’re right, so ED loads with these whatevers, but there’s still that unnerving popup when loading.
    and you’re also correct – it does not show up in the kit piece browser.
    May I suggest Toontrack & Platinum get together behind the scenes and fix this great library asap, should not be the end of the world, considering it’s the only 3rd party library, and it will make both parties look more professional …

    Not even so little luck with EZD though, the drum kits are entirely absent, the Cocktail is in the list but shows the error overlay and then proceeds to nirvana.

    thanks for pointing that out, Micah !


    @Scott said:

    The EZD1 kit should be listed as the Pop/Rock EZX and should have an update under that product. Does the Evil Drums not load at all or are you just referring to no new graphics? There are no new graphics for that SDX as it’s a Platinum Samples product but it should load generic graphics.  

    hello Scott,
    thanks for your reply !
    Both candidates show that overlay message “must be updated” that went away after installing the “sound updates” for all others.
    These two (or 3,including Cocktail) don’t load at all.
    I only have EZD1 in my account, no Pop/Rock EZX.
    Evil Drums is @ sound update 1.02 which does not do the trick.




    @profirhino said:

    good !

    Evil Drums SDX and EZD 1 kits do NOT load in SD3.
    both are fine in SD2.
    no updates for EZD 1 kits afaics, the Evil Drums 1.02 sound update does NOT solve the issue.

    please fix !


    thanks Brad,
    they should be current as of today.
    I don’t mind a few extra DLs and library updates for such a major version upgrade – as long as they basically work and I don’t have to re-authorize 71 products offline all is good.

    In fact, what I’m looking forward to most are the engine- and UI updates, the great new kits will be a nice mid-term boost.


    @Brad said:
    How old are these EZXs you are asking about?  

    why ?
    going back till EZD1 …
    I kinda stopped buying more EzX some years ago and wait for SDX versions, makes no sense to pay twice.
    An upgrade path EZX > SDX would bring in the money earlier for TT, plus pave the way for more SDX sales too, split expenses are easier to justify.



    @Scott said:

    All EZXs  

    good !


    @John said:
    Yes, your Superior 2 SDX:s will work with Superior 3. If you get any EZdrummer 2 EZX:s, they will work too.


    hope the same is true for older EZX too …


    yup !
    count me in then … Smile


    @Scott said:

    Unfortunately John, what everyone is asking us to do is to break our NDA and tell them what exactly Toontrack is developing and the timeframe for it all, which we, as techs, have no idea about. You and I are not going to do that. We can only say what we’ve said earlier. Toontrack takes note of feature requests. That’s all we can do.  

    great, absolutely convincing.
    people have not been asking for a breach of NDA, an NDA means nothing to us.
    people have been asking for a solution, for a fix to an ages old showstopper that got “listened to” for many years now, with zero results.
    unless you count the suggestion to reduce screen resolution to 1024×540, to be fair.

    don’t worry, be happy.
    thank you,


    @John said:
    Why on earth would you think the Superior line is abandoned? It isn’t.  

    if it walks like a duck …
    we’re specifically talking about the plugin here, not “the line”.
    prove me wrong, I believe it when I see it.

    @John said:… this has been a request by many users over a long period of time, so why would it be ignored?

    fully agreed, that’s the question.
    and long period of time means this goes back way before this thread started.

    @John said:
    it’s not really fair to say that it is an easy fix that should have been made a long time ago.

    Superior is not the only plugin on the market. Others keep their UIs up to date too, so it can be done.
    it is absolutely fair to say that it is an fix that should have been made a long time ago.
    and easy – come on …
    don’t let your programmers hear they would have a major problem with something marginal like increasing UI size.
    order it, it will get done and it will work after 2 or 3 bugfixes.
    the stumbling block is not ordering it, I would never blame the programmers.

    look, this is not personal, I understand it’s part of your job to reply the way you do.
    from a user’s perspective this does not help much.

    wow, why didn’t I think of that ?
    Finally Cubase looks as huge as it sounds …
    sorry, my pathetic 2GB GTX750 TI can’t do 1024×540, 1024×768 is the closest I could do.
    time to dig out the trusty old 2MB Millennium, not sure if my hexcore has a PCI slot anymore …
    maybe upgrade to that indestructible P II 300 with W98 ?
    vintage rules !

    let’s face it, Superior is abandonware at this point.
    check the sad timeline of this thread and tell me otherwise !
    oh well,


    @Johan_38 said:
    Just bought SD2 and on my Alienware with 3200×1800 pixels I CANNOT read the avatar. I feel this product is a con. Shameful implementation. I want my money back asap. Also the latency through the ASIO driver straight to TD30 is sh!t.  

    While I certainly won’t defend the UI size, to be fair, the latency is not Superior’s fault.
    It’s been running glitch free here @ 64 samples ever since it came out in the Pleistocene or thereabouts.
    Obviously, with lots of other tracks running latency needs to be set a notch or two higher.
    various PCs, RME PCIe, currently W7/64, C9, S1v.3.3.
    Check your driver configuration …


    @Scott said:

    With speakers that far apart, you’d have to be sitting in the middle is the room with 6′ long arms to reach the mouse and keyboard. 😉

    But, I know what you mean.  

    thanks for replying, Scott !
    the absurd pic shows the placement dilemma perfectly.
    either lose screens 1 & 3, move the speakers towards the middle and you have the typical bedroom setup with all its limitations.
    sit down and “produce”.

    or, you might actually need 2 screens at least to work properly – be prepared to move your seat, keyboard, controllers, whatever back by 1 – 1.5m, can’t angle the speakers too much either, in order to keep a halfway sane stereo image.

    while all this is certainly not TT’s fault, this is the environment your products get used in, if we’re talking (semi-)pro studios.
    I had special medical glasses made, like reading glasses optimized for a distance of 1.2m, and only use old school 1920×1200 @ 26″x2 between the speakers (+ a 3rd one on the side), I can work without excessive eye strain for hours, but Superior’s details just disappear in blurry guesswork. Cry

    come on, would it really be so hard to compile a parallel version with twice the width and height and appropriately scaled elements ?
    nobody needs trendy vector shenanigans, nobody even needs switching, a simple SuperiorSize.dll would do …
    but we definitely need to see what we are doing !



    the manifest hack does not fix the plugin, so that’s smoke’n’mirrors.
    Same for “solutions” like dumbing down screen resolution, magnifier apps and what not.
    how about finally investing some good oldfashioned development time after 8.5 years (!!!) of cashing in on your ex-flagship product that’s going the way of the Dodo ?

    when will you guys realize that in a real world studio, screens are placed according to room acoustics, on average 1m or thereabouts away ?
    (read my post from 2013 in this thread if you need more details)
    rubbing your nose on a single screen might cut it for programmers or bedroom warriors, certainly not in a studio.
    check out this pic for a real headscratcher !
    just imagine sitting there working …

    oh well, you know we’re right !
    no need to admit it, fixing it would do nicely.


    Fwiw, vector resizing of the UI is neither necessary nor preferable, most C7/N6 victims would agree I guess.
    But as much as I hate to say it, the days of 19″ CRTs are over and won’t come back.

    Over here the standard studio setup looks like this :
    2 nearfields, ca 120cm apart
    2 TFTs inbetween, 1920×1280, 24″ to 27″
    do the math, in listening position you’re 1m away from the screens, no way around it.
    And you won’t be able to read much of the small print in the current UI.
    This is completely different from coding with your nose 20cm away from the screen.

    Imho what’s needed are a few fixed UI sizes, no vector crap, covering 90% of the screen estate in
    – current state of the art resolution (2500 something ??)
    – 1920×1280
    – maybe two smaller versions for legacy screens

    Compare Kontakt, Torpedo Pi and many others, this is a joy to work with and I have never seen a single UI bug with these.
    Add an alternative, easier way to mix’n’ match kit pieces from different libraries, maybe keep x-drums for the purists, and S3.0 will be a no-brainer paid major update, imho, ymmv.
    Just saying,

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