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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Pim Schilperoort

    Hi Okanakov,

    If every musical software company would say “it’s easier to learn to play than to produce a plug in” there wouldn’t be much to choose from for us…

    In one of my previous jobs I was a sound designer (for several hardware synthesizer factories) and as far as I can see it is very good possible – take a look at the Steinberg Virtual BassPlayer for instance. Far from perfect but it was a first generation product and is never further developed because of company strategies (Steinberg is bought by Yamaha, while the producer of Virtual Bass Player – Wizoo – is bought by another company). I think it’s time somebody picks up the idea of a virtual/superiour bass player and give the composers what they need: a perfect rhythm duo made out of Superiour Drummer and Superiour BassPlayer.

    Pim Schilperoort

    Trillian gives us excellent recorded bass samples – but no patterns.

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