I believe that both Roland and the Yamaha will be fine. The only thing that the TD50 has over the others is the digital snare & ride. Although you could also argue against this.
If you don’t care for the digital snare & ride I’d say go for the TD30KV as Roland always triggers great (I am biased btw 😉 ). I can’t say anything appropriate about the Yamaha kits as I haven’t played those other than in a music store.
The Pearl Mimic Pro is just a module (and not a kit) that contains the Steven Slate Drums 5 on board and triggers VST sounds directly from the modules. Sounds great and if used for playing live you don’t have to drag a laptop around. Check out the VDrums forum on some preview sounds for the upcoming Mimic Pro update.
I never went for the DIY option but that is because of me 😉
TD50x triggering SD3
SPD-SX triggering SD3
MacBook Pro M1 Pro (32GB/512GB SSD)
DAW: Ableton Live (latest)
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