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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Phil Buckle

    @John said:
    I hope all you guys writing in this thread have contacted Toontrack Support directly.
    To get to the bottom of your specific download problems and if there are things that can be corrected at the CDN, it is important that all issues get properly logged and reported.


    Well contacting support did nothing to solve my problems. After I gave them the details they asked for I never heard from them again.
    It took more than 3 weeks from the date of purchase for me to finally be able to download.

    One day…..just before completely giving up and asking for a refund, I tried one last time and download speed was completely normal …….just like everything else I had been downloading during the whole period that SD3 would not download.
    It finally downloaded.

    And it’s great. Really great.

    But that whole experience was very bad… fact, the worst I have had in my 30 years of internet downloading.
    Toontracks don’t seem to give a……..

    Phil Buckle

    I’m hoping that the support team is back from holidays and that I will hear from them.

    I paid for the upgrade almost 3 weeks ago.

    I tried again to download today and my download speed is 22kbs…….yes you read that correctly.

    BUT I just downloaded a 70 gig String library from Spitfire Audio and it took around 5 hours. No problems.

    Phil Buckle

    Registering my problems with Download Manager and slow download speeds. I have contacted support and they have referred me to their CDN.
    I just downloaded Project Sam (a string library for Kontakt) and it took a couple of hours….average download speed of 3.50 mb/s

    Trying to download my update to S3…..yet again…… I get a download speed of 120kb …..ha……ha….kind of funny.
    Ok it’s been a week since I paid for this and there is no way I can download it.

    Telling your customers that “there is something usually wrong with your ISP” is……as we say in Australia….a crock of shit.
    Disingenuous at the very least.

    Do a Google of “Toontrack slow download speed” and see what comes up. Interesting?

    You guys seem to have a problem and you have had this problem for some time.

    It’s now 2 days and I have not heard from your CDN. I paid for your product a week ago.

    I am a patient but after a while, it runs out.

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