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  • Petrolu

    @gseshleman said:

    Sorry. That is the entirety of the original post by ‘geebake’.
    As a Mac user, I have no experience with the manifest file or its contents.
    I’m simply passing along some solutions offered by others that I found simply by searching the forum.

    Ah, that’s unfortunate. I appreciate the gesture though. Thanks for passing along the info!


    @joste said:

    @Petrolu – How u do that in Cantabile Light? The CL Interface is Scaleable but the SD2 Interface stay in Scale.
    P.S.: If u are a greek guy – “giasu” from germany :-))

    @Toontrack – I am absolutely disappointed. I paid 250 euros and get a completely outdated software. The scalability has long been a required and necessary function of since her failed until now. The ease of use and clarity leaves something to be desired. So…
    Never again … Toontrack. l switch to BFD3 (They have done their homework with V3) and wich you good luck in the further disregard of your users …

    Go to Tools->Options->General and then un-check the “Enable Hi-Resolution UI” box. I recall it saying it’ll need to re-open the app but then after that, the Superior Drummer UI will appear in a much larger view.

    I’m not Greek, but can use Google translate. So hi! :p


    gseshleman, could you please include the manifest file contents? It appears to be missing from your quote.


    It appears as though if one owns Superior Drummer only, they can’t access the support forum for EZ Drummer.

    I just made a post in the Feature Request forum with a potential solution depending on how you use Superior Drummer.


    I second the ability to change the window size.

    When I first loaded Superior Drummer in Toontrack Solo, I was surprised at how small the interface was on a 46″ 1080p display. I was especially dismayed once I realized I couldn’t maximize it. Considering that 4k resolution for monitors and mobile devices is becoming the norm, I would think that it would be nigh unusable.

    Searching around, it appears as though some VST hosts and DAW software offer the ability to disable DPI awareness. What this means is that the operating system scales the application versus allowing said application to do any scaling. The drawback is the ugliness that comes about from stretching a low res interface to match up with the current resolution. I tried out Cantabile Lite(which is free apparently) with the DPI awareness option disabled and was pleased to see that the SD window occupied most of the screen and is now much easier to navigate.

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