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  • PatRat_1

    Several of you are requesting Midi packs when this is an EZ Drummer 3.0 feature request topic…


    When I’m writing a song, I know exactly what I want the drummer to play.
    He may add his own flavor to it but basically it has to be what I am hearing in my head.
    I use EZD2 to create my own parts, mostly tapping them out 4-8 bars at a time.

    It is frustrating to get one single hit “off” and my only option is to try all over again.
    If it’s an off-time piece it just gets worse…

    My request is the ability to “move” the hits (like a piano roll).
    I’ve sat next to professional drummers on a DAW and while listening to their performance
    they say, “I should have played a double hit there” so they add it. BOOM! Done!

    ALL the needed pieces are there already in SD3 already.
    Just add the one thing, not the complex mixing or really advanced stuff just the ability to move/add/delete midi notes.
    Velocity adjustment would be nice (since again it already has been written) but not absolutely necessary..

    Hard to believe we’re begging for something they’ve already developed and they’re telling us no…


    Another desirable feature would be the ability to have EZD
    read a 5-10-15-30 second MP3/WAV/ETC.. and duplicate the drum part.
    Same thing for SD.

    THAT would be awesome!!


    @Scott said:

    Have you read about S3 that was just announced?  

    I’ve been watching the videos. SD 3.0 is Killer!
    The Piano Roll is the bomb!!
    THAT one thing alone is what I pray to God is included in EZD 3.0

    Been thinking about moving to SD 3.0 but it would piss me off to no end
    if I pay the extra money for the upgrade only to have EZD3.0 come out a month later
    with this feature included!!

    I wish they’d at least give an idea when/if an EZD 3 is in the works or when it might come out
    even if they don’t say anything about features..


    That should run EZD just fine.

    Sound card? You have to go external to “add” anything to an iMac.
    As far as playing sounds it will be fine as is..
    External speakers/monitors/earphones, etc…

    8GB of ram is not very much in 2017.
    I’d upgrade your ram before anything else…
    32GB/64GB if possible.
    16GB will work for smaller projects but if you do a lot of editing or use a lot of tracks/effects you will want more ram!


    Oh yeah… Impressive.

    I’m not sure how “most” create their own drum tracks.
    I don’t have a midi drum set and I seldom use the “preset” patterns.
    I do use some fills but when writing I tend to hear a very specific pattern
    so being able to program would benefit me greatly.

    Trying to create rolls/fills on midi keyboard is not fun!!

    I’m a bit intimidated by SD so I’ve lived in an EZ world…


    A midi editor of any complexity.
    More is better! 😉

    Even just some basic editing….
    The ability to add/delete/move notes/hits.
    Change velocity.
    Manually create/edit a sequence.

    Please! Please! Please!

    I hate having to always use Digital Performer to accomplish this…
    Their drum edit rock though… (Just sayin’)

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