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  • Pascal Procman

    Hi Mark  (are you the Level 42 singer/bassist ?  🙂    )

    I own a TD30 (with VH13 HiHat) and Superior Drummer 3  (with a lot of Extensions).  I just would like to find a DEFAULT setup  (with positioning sensing on the Roland PDX125 snare) to have just a snare like a snare  (with rimshot independant of the skin for example). Is it possible to find this ?  A default setiing for TD30 and default setting for SD3 to make it easy ?  (I spent a lot of time to try to resolve my problems and I thnik about sale all my drums)

    Thank you for somebody can send to me a DEFAULT Kit  (with playable setub) for my TD30 to be compatible with my SD3

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Pascal Procman

    Same problem.
    In Mainstage 3.1.1 (the last stable version), my TD30 doesn’t give the rights sounds in SD2.
    No midi “transform, no filter (i have tested to filter midie sensing, controlers… with my MOTU MidiExpress without changes ). I continue to search but it’s a shame to not to have just MIDI Preset file to load in SD2 to have a default stting for TD30 and SD2. I passed a lot of time on PC and now I have to start again with the Mac :-/ Please, Toontrack, give us settings presets, or by default, list of articulations/midi note. Thanks

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Pascal Procman

    Thank you Ilja,
    It Works !!! 🙂
    Once I defined the OutPuts in SD2 (and I can choose in Mono Multi out or stereos, but with the need of rescan the plug-in in Mainstage to be sure that SD2 will be loaded in the right choice).
    I create only one “Instrument” channel in Mainstage, choose SD2 as instrument in “multi output” config (not Stéreo. So, Mainstage understand that and propose to me to “ADD” (with a + button in the channel) AUX-channel for SD2 Instrument. I’have just to define which “physical” output (on my RME 802) I want to receive the SD2 outputs.
    Here’s how I decided: SD2 in Stereo mode. 16 stereos outputs
    Kick: 1/2 Left – Snare 1/2 Right – HiHat 3/4 Left – Toms 5/6 – OverHead 7/8 – Amb/room 9/10

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Pascal Procman

    How Roland names …Bow_Edge_Roland.jpg

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

    Pascal Procman

    Thank you Ilja,
    Yes I proceed like this: I route the channels into SD but in Mainstage (though I have the right number of inputs) even if I change the “input” channel; SD only uses 2 channels (stereo). I can’t have more than 2 out (left-right).
    I continue to test to find a solution and I will send a “visual” explanation

    Superior Drummer 2.4 - EZ Drummer - All SDX - Roland TD30 - Mainstage - Cubase

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