ah im sorry to hear that. After tinking with the hi hat mapped so i had nodes on the closed section it made the hi hat 100% more playable in terms of feel. It just felt right after doing that. Sadly it cant be opened or closed so its not practical but its quite a tease. Is this something that could be added in future updates or does midi just not allow for that type of control? Even a cobby work around may suffice.. ive even considered getting a second hi hat pad to map always closed so i have those dynamic options.. its that good.
On a side note, is it possible to change which articulation is played when the pedal is closed? right now it plays a tighttip articualtion but i would rather it play tight edge for some songs.
I am trying to do the same thing. Keep my hi hat normal, but when it is fully closed, have a midi node so hits below say 70 velocity trigger tight tip, and hits above 70 trigger tight edge. Then when i let up on the pedal the midi node is no longer active. I have a feeling that is not possible based on how i think the cc4 works to control the pedal, but it would be really awesome to be able to do this.
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