Great deals on software,
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Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • paacevedo5150

    To all:  I don’t know if this will help you, but now that went thru the ordering process, i now see all pricing in USD which is my local currency throughout the website.  As a workaround, you can try processing an order all the way up to very last step – the point where you provide payment info – and see if that causes your subsequent browsing of the site to show the proper currency?  Not a great user experience but might be a short term solution.  Cheers.


    Thanks Scott, I was able to successfully see the correct and proper US pricing once I got to the final checkout screen.  I completed my purchase with no issues. That was a good work around.  (You should probably still fix your website to reflect local currencies like you used to do.)


    I’m seeing the same issue.  In US but seeing SEK pricing.

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