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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • onewayout_1

    really can’t find the way of doing that? with every single library?

    not the default setting for when you open SD3 ..

    I mean in every library to have a personal default setting.. so when I change of library it is the way I want it..

    not load the “default Library Setting” for SDXs and EZXs..


    Sorry I hadn’t seen that post about all libraries before I answered… The best thing you can do with that is just save as in that menu and The best way you can do that is by saving your ezx libraries and sdx libraries settings as you like them keep them in autosaved and open them up in each project as you need to… Autosaved in file menu.

    • This post was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by onewayout_1.

    no I mean re-write the default state of the EQ for example.. delays etc.. only for effects

    that could be very useful

    Hi marianekhos3,

    If I’m hearing you right this is already available… Just tweek the settings and drums the way you want them and then go to file and hit “save current as default project”

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