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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • onewayout_1

    NICE Glennbo!!

    I’m listening to it on by small Bluetooth computer speaker and the drums are jumping out amazingly!! Everything in the mix is CLEAR and clean Bud!

    I take it your a reaper user too as I think I saw this title on the chat page over there today too (-;


    Cool, chill song Bro…. LOVE the vox!

    Cheers, Jeff


    GREAT, FUN song!! AWESOME chops Mate!! Thanks for that (-:

    One mix critique is that the guitar is quite bright and edgy….Us guitar players are pretty deaf in the high end Smile


    @dg27 said:
    Thanks, onewayout_1. I guess I’ll have to look into the hits EZX.  

    You might like the HIP HOP kit better as it has a lot of different Percussion also…And has some very cool soul grooves….Hip-Hop.JPG

    I tdoes the same thing with using other kits Perc and Kik & snares too


    @onewayout_1 said:
    Well yeah you can do it on separate OUTS or (TRACKS) for processing but INSIDE the Number #1 hits they give you a choice of several Kiks & snares which you can open different acoustic Kiks & snares and mix them in with each other.LaughNumber-1.JPG

    No more 2nd instances!! (opening 2 different EZDs)  

    Also you can open like I said congas and such in the Perc and FX pads from different EZ Kits. This Kit makes for some very versatile arraigning as does the hip hop and Electrons kits do also…Numbeer-1-2.JPG


    Well yeah you can do it on separate OUTS or (TRACKS) for processing but INSIDE the Number #1 hits they give you a choice of several Kiks & snares which you can open different acoustic Kiks & snares and mix them in with each other.LaughNumber-1.JPG

    No more 2nd instances!! (opening 2 different EZDs)


    Hey sounds like your having fun! ?

    To answer question #2 no a regular drum kit cannot pull up say a conga from Latin percussion unfortunately…. But like number#1 hits kit can and so can hip hop kit and the electronic kit… Cool thing about Number#1 hits is you can also add 2 or more snares using other acoustic kits too to layer them!


    Juicy is very on with more instances!! I was actually saying I would change the kik & snare pattern a bit to add a different groove for the second verse…BUT here is a new song I am working on with 2 instances…This is VERY typical that I have for verse and then chorus….

    Also I drag the midi into my daw after I have done my tap&search and edited in ezd2 to manipulate the midi even more…Like humanize and then change the velocities a bit…nudge the kik, snares off grid even more for a live feel… This is a great tutorial of what I’m talking about….Hope that helps


    That’s r exactly how I’m working… But I’ve already set my individual outs though and some added Fx to get the feel and the groove going… I’ll start from intro to chorus out/ending building my parts this way…. Then as I’m adding my instruments I’ll need more in chorus (or less) DIFFERENT rides or hats change up the kik& snare in the second verse ect…



    Sorry about ur issue…I use reaper and have EZM 2 and a lot of the plug ins. I have never really experienced any hangs yet…Although now that I’m typing this you might want to search in EZM topics I think there was a reverb plug that was quite hungry….I just tried looking it up I remember it had something to do with church…So I just opened up my EZM and found one that is called “LIKE CHURCH” and it added about 5% to my cpu…I have an I5 with 8g of RAM so not sure what ur config is…Hope that helps…Oh and if you were using more than one of them well…(-;


    Cheers, good tip! I will take that more to heart….. Thanks Ian


    I usually go to tap to find and take a section of the part I’m working on and have the search engine find something better than what i have…I’ll solo the ride in the mix section so I can hear the pattern better…I do this with hihat and Ride…I’m NOT a drummer and some the patterns I come up with are driving the beat but are basically like a drum machine NO MATTER what I do with the articulation or velocity….



    1st very COOL song!! (GREAT riff) 2nd the DRUMS sound FANTASTIC well done, a very Live sound & feel!!
    3rd Cool Vid love the camera angles!!



    Is there a trial version of Superior D and where can I find it if there is?

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