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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • onewayout_1

    There are endless possibilities here with EZd2….I will also use more than one instance…BUT with NUMBER#1 hits you can stack many different instruments in there, it has at least THREE KIKS & THREE SNARES PLUS percussion and FX pads that let you access lots of other goodies from your other EZXs. For example I use the drum machine stuff and add in the organic stuff in underneath…I can even build an organic kit in number#1 hits and add my electronic kit underneath….

    Another old school trick is actually “committing to tape”. In other words I’ll have let’s say a regular kit going with multi outputs and I NEED a sub-Kik and a brighter snare underneath the original to thicken it up….
    If I don’t want to lose my workflow I can just use the same instance I’m working with and find a nice sub sound from that instance or from another kit (we can access all our kits from any instance) and quickly render it to another track and then re load the original Kik… Same with the snare.. then you can have them to blend….
    Coming from working with tape into the digital world you can mix and match techniques to quickly achieve our goals… THERE ARE NO RULES! ☺


    Will these work with Mac?


    EXCELLENT!! Great Vox! Commercial MIX…GREAT DRUMS…Unfortunately don’t have spotify on PC will have to listen to it on my phone later..Well done boys!! (and girls?)


    Well after messing around with it again today I found a couple of tricks to do this….

    1. I found that if you change the quantize of the individual instrument you want to add more hits with it will add them in different patterns…(right click in edit play and go to drop down menu)

    2. I found it you add more hits to let’s say a Tom it will add the hits differently then if you were adding hits to a snare… Then if you like the patterns from the Tom you can just copy them and add them to the snare itself or any other instrument (you mix and match) ? ( right click, copy midi go to “snare” right click paste Tom midi. This will add that midi to the snare… Found this on one of Mike’s videos a couple of weeks ago… BRILLIANT!)

    3. If you record let’s say just a Kik pattern and then open in Edit play style it becomes the “Power hand instrument” and that will also give different variations of a Kik pattern than if you had let’s say a Kik, snare and hi hat going at the same time… You can again copy the midi and add it to a full pattern later…

    CONCLUSION: I’ve really been able to expand my workflow through the amount knob as I had kinda stop using it for awhile because it seemed to be adding the same generic patterns Each time…

    Of course we will always have to tweek our own patterns for exact ideas we have in our head in our DAW but I’m very happy to see I can use and grow with this awesome tool!

    Plz lemme know any other tricks or tips you have found too!

    Thx, Jeff


    Cheers Scott


    Oh cool any chance of others being redone or for user base customization?


    Hi craiger,
    Hey can’t you just use follow host like in Ezd2?



    Glad that helped… YES you can change all the snares and toms and other instruments to whatever/how many kits you have…they will show up in each category…BUT if you have the money to go to superior drummer 2 DON”T get SUPERIOR DRUMMER 3 it has ALL the features of EZD2 PLUS being able to stack instruments like more than one KIK or SNARE which is really important with todays sounds..(even yesterdays sounds lol)

    I wouldn’t recommend SD2 because of its complicated workflow either…..


    hi louisdedecker,

    No they don’t allow us to add different instruments to different instruments….. Like your saying we cannot put a cymbal on a tom…BUT there is an expansion kit that has PLENTY of cymbals….

    Hope that helps



    If He uses a second instance for the time signature changes and sets his second instance to the new tempo I guess you can then find all the parts you need for your song and then drag them into your DAW or I guess just leave them as is if your happy (then I guess you wouldn’t need a second instance)…wouldn’t that work?

    I’m still unclear what a quintuple meter is though…sorry if I’m off topic…But It looks like Mgauf had a workaround for tempo changes with a second instance…??


    I would say if money is not an issue then buy it. You will only grow more as a songwriter, musician and engineer/producer much quicker with it :-)11


    Some of the older boxes I remember you had to take out the disk and it was written underneath on the box….


    Yes would be asking too much for the Massenburg EQ lol!!…But this is a GREAT vid right here for features (-:

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