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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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    Thanks Henrik….that’s how I found the beats I needed on the AMERICANA Midi pack. Laugh


    Thanks Brad!!! Greatly appreciated. I think i’ll get it.


    SCOTT…..!!!!!!!! That link was all I needed to figure out exactly what I was doing wrong. It was all so simple and I made it a disaster (as usual). If you are ever in Nashville TN, I owe you a dinner!!
    gseshleman….thank you for your help as well. You were the only person outside of Toon to lend a hand. The offer is extended to you as well.

    Many thanks to you both. I’m sure I will have issues as I learn this amazing program, but with your help the journey will now begin!!

    Much love!!!


    WHAT THE??!!! No wonder it’s taking 3 days to download this program. I have clicked on the link you show, but evidently it’s been 10 freaking times??!! Told you i’m a computer idiot.

    Is there anything you can do on your end to help me? What files should I have downloaded and will they look like on my computer? Where will I find the installer on my MAC if I have successfully downloaded EZdrummer 2.

    I gratefully appreciate the help you have already provided and whatever else you can provide for me.


    Yes Scott….I have HughesNet. How many files should be downloading? It started as 8, then said 14, now when I log back in and click the link that G has attached it appears to be reloading some files that were already successfully downloaded, so I thought?! I just want to get the program up and running because i’ve heard such great things, but its been a struggle already. It’s all my doing, i’m sure….but why do these things have to be so difficult. LOL

    Press and go works for me!

    G…that is the link that i’m seeing and clicking on. Some files are restarting and some are no saying that message “URL cannot be found on this site”. UGH!!!


    Thank G…..I have no idea what’s going on, but i’ll figure it all out somehow.

    I have EZDrummer 2 purchased with a serial number card. The download of EZ2 was going well, then it slowed to a crawl. There were 8 files that appear to be licenses and such and then 7 files listed as TT206_EZdrummer2_MAC_202 and then 202-1, 202-2. 202-3 etc etc. They all started downloading at the same time. The initial downloading of EZ2 started automatically when I entered the “serial number”. I had to stop the process and when I started over it had the screen with a “download version 202.2” or something like that. Once that happened every downloading file went into slow motion mode eventually and that’s where I stand now.

    Also, when I try to “reload” and download the files that were stopped from where they left off…they are starting all over again as if nothing had even started on those files. Now 2 URL’s cannot be found on the website.

    Believe me, this is just my luck with computers and downloads. LOL

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