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  • Andrew Payne

    I have another question which is can a user mic actually bleed to other channels for example OH ?


    I cannot see nay way to do this. Thanks

    Dell Precision 7730, i7 6 Core 2.6 GHz, 128GB RAM, 1TB SSD and 3 x 2TB SSD, Cubase Pro 13, SD3 plus a variety of SDX's and EZX's, Orchestral Percussion, EZBASS, RME BabyFace Pro FS and KRK V4 monitors. Modified Yamaha DTX900, DTXPRESS4 and Edrumin10 triggering SD3. Yamaha pads/cymbals and Roland VH-10 HiHat.

    Andrew Payne

    Thanks for that Note. I am having problems with smooth transition from closed to open on my DTX900 Hi Hat and see many references to people with Yamaha Hi Hat RHH135 having similar issues in SD3. As yet I have not seen a conclusive answer on how to fix this in SD3 with the DTX Hi Hat

    With your settings above using HH Func to MIDI, are you getting a nice smooth transition closed to open – similar to what you get with the DTX module running as stand alone (no SD3). The stand alone Hi Hat is quite smooth in transition.

    I love SD3 but he smoothness of the Yamaha Hi Hat in SD3 is not good and a source of frustration.

    If you confirm it is all OK I will try what you have suggested.

    As another question, has anyone at Toontrack actually connected the Yamaha RHH135 Hi Hat to confirm exactly how it behaves in SD3 and what is the best way to get a smooth closed/open transition ? Thanks


    Dell Precision 7730, i7 6 Core 2.6 GHz, 128GB RAM, 1TB SSD and 3 x 2TB SSD, Cubase Pro 13, SD3 plus a variety of SDX's and EZX's, Orchestral Percussion, EZBASS, RME BabyFace Pro FS and KRK V4 monitors. Modified Yamaha DTX900, DTXPRESS4 and Edrumin10 triggering SD3. Yamaha pads/cymbals and Roland VH-10 HiHat.

Viewing 2 replies - 211 through 225 (of 226 total)

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