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  • olliepudge

    You funny little ignorant person 🙂
    What are you doing in this thread “non-drummer”?
    Stop trolling and crawl under your rock.

    LOL! Right on Lars. I know this post is old, but it made me laugh. I don’t understand people. Whoever posted that made no sense at all. I’m assuming it was a guitarist.

    And by the way, don’t ever bash drummers. We are the heartbeat of your song. We are not your drummers, you are our guitarists. 😀

    • This post was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by olliepudge.


    As an owner of a bunch of SD3 SDX expansions, and the future owner of a bunch more :-), i’d like to request we have

    the first full brushes/rods/mallets etc SDX, with multiple kits/cymbals (maybe at Hansa again? He has a gift for amazingly detailed broad pallete sounds and presets).

    I ask this because im frustrated that Music City SDX is the only one that caters for modern mainstream brush kit sounds, and its still only 1 basic kit with 2 or 3 cymbals.

    Every other brush kit in any other SDX is a Jazz sound…..

    It’d be great to have a brushes SDX that allows features like Hansa SDX and EZdrummer 3, where there’s plenty of options for multiple rooms that have differences in dryness/ambience, multiple kits of differing drum sizes and crashes, hats and rides/rivets etc….  I’d love to have brush versions of the Masshoff Kits from Hansa SDX  😉 aswell as maybe a SDX with Chuck Ainley, seeing as he’s the guy that pulled the brush kit sound from Music City SDX ?

    With all the folk, modern country and alternate music songwriting currently in popular music taste, surely this should be a priority for Toontrack ?  Admittedly i can understand that Metal is a big part of the Toontrack customer base, but i must admit, i was really disappointed that there was no brush kits in EZdrummer 3 , as i would have thought that that modern brush sound would be used alot by songwriters ?










    I agree.  I’m not even a jazz drummer or anything like that, but I have to say that I love playing my E-drums with the brush/mallet kits. I have a few on my drum module and I use them all of the time just for fun.  They seem to be the best when it comes to multi-layered drum samples.

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