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  • notstewart

    Thanks Codestation!!
    The title of that song came from an expression that is quoted often in my hometown, and the girl is a reference to a friend of mine that died in her 30s.
    I’m so self conscious of my voice that I double track it on most songs and that can get pretty exhausting trying to get right.
    I happen to be a fan of Genesis and PG-solo, so it could just be an influence floating around in me somewhere.
    Anyway, thanks again for the listen and comment!


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I think you did a great job all around; probably as good as anything I’ve heard on here as far as the total package of songwriting, singing, playing etc (I haven’t heard all the songs on here).
    Your voice is great especially in the chorus, love the tone of the guitars and sustain. I’m only listening on a computer system, but it all sounds good to me.
    Of course there always has to be a but…a small one though, and just personal taste. I would have put off all the mulitple (I believe kick hits) until the bridge. Maybe a bit at the start, but for sure I would have taken the ones out after the first chorus. Anyway, great job!!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Well, back again about mic assignment.
    In the next version would it be possible for the mic assignments to have it’s own tab. An easy to reach area that with one look you can see what mic is doing what and also be able to turn it on or off right there?

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Nice job, listened and liked “grand central library” also!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Yeah I doubt someone like Grohl would have time. He’s still recording and touring.
    Someone like Stewart Copeland may be more of a candidate.

    I would like to see improvements on mic assignments. It still confuses me, and appears that you have to add an X-drum before you can reach the mic area (unless I’m missing something).
    I edit in the midi section of my DAW, but it would speed things up if I could do it right in Superior.
    “Ability to insert drums from any kit in the corresponding space in the kit”…that would be fantastic!!!

    Other then that, I’m quite pleased with this software.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I printed out a good article from the SOS website, and for anyone watching this thread here is another site that seems to be quite good also.
    It is a pay site but even the free introductory videos are quite good. There are turtorials for many things including Superior Drummer.
    From the first into video on compression, I learned something completely new to me which was that the release of the compressor should be somewhat timed to the beat (which makes complete sense to me now).
    Anyway for anyone interested, here is the link:

    hope it comes in handy.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks Planetnine!
    I went to the SOS website and there are plenty of articles related to using compressors, so I will definitely be browsing around there.

    You want to use a fairly fast compressor or plugin and set its attack parameter to a value of between 5 and 50ms. This means that that the click will go through the comp unaffected before it reacts.

    Did you mean you want a slower attack to allow the click to go through before the compressor reacts?

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks Jim!
    That is something I didn’t check.
    Compressor settings for attack and release are confusing to me as far as which instruments need fast attack and vice versa.
    Therefore I usually just play around with ratio and threshold.
    I’m assuming that if the kick needs a slower attack, then bass probably does also, would that be correct?

    Perhaps what I should be asking for is recommendations for a good book (or website) on mixing (with strong reference to using compressors and EQ), any suggestions?



    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Well I did a remix and took your suggestions into consideration.
    I made changes to the eq settings on the kick bus and put a different compressor on it.
    I lowered eq in the electric guitar bus in the range mentioned.
    I raised the level on the kick slightly but can’t go too high because I don’t have a limiter on the master bus (probably should have put a limiter on the drum bus).
    I use my acoustic guitar (low E and A strings) as a bass, so I’m sure that is not helping either.

    Anyway, I’m getting tired of listening to this song, so I need a break from it. 🙂

    Thanks for all the help, on my next song I’ll definitely keep your suggestions in mind right at the start of the mix!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks Scott!!
    I will check to see what settings I have for guitar and bass in that area.
    I know that I increased the snare in that frequency range.
    Sounds like a cut in that area from other instruments and a slight increase in the kick should do the trick.


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks ajxtjs!!
    I have some compression and eq on it, but I never seem to be able to “…bring out the beater smack with eq”.
    I’ll have to start putting in more time in the mix to bring out the right sound. Kick drum on it’s own it sounds fine, but I still don’t have the skill to bring out everything in the mix.
    I’ll get there eventually.

    Playing with the pitch probably was a mistake also.

    thanks again,


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    That makes sense Chris. I guess I was envisioning something more flexible which is no doubt easier said then done.
    I was watching one of Kraznet’s Samplitude turtorials and what he did with his bass playing in about 30 seconds, I could never achieve in a lifetime.
    So, besides wishing I could play like that, what would be the next best thing…someone playing like that over toontracks.
    But I definitely see your point about limiting the direction of the song once a melody direction is begun.

    Here’s Kraznet’s turtorial:
    I love what he finally ends up with after the 1/4, 1/8, and 1/16 edited tracks.

    Thanks for replying Chris!!


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Well I checked out those suggestions, and as far as I can see they don’t have midi files. It looks like you have to use a keyboard controller to produce the sounds. I only watched the first demo of trillian, and in that he was using a keyboard. I’m not interested in that or any electronic bass sounds.
    Right now I’m using the top two strings of my acoustic guitar to do bass lines.
    Awhile back, Chris nudged me toward using the midi files in toontracks and I’ve never looked back.

    So, maybe this could be a new direction for toontracks. I mean they already have the midi tracks recorded, how hard would it be to have a bass player play a few different bass styles over them?
    I know, it’s very time consuming, but imagine having the ability to have your whole foundation down (bass and drums) in an afternoon? And by a professional bass player, that’s what I’m talking about!! 🙂

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I guess I meant with midi files that you can drag into a track.

    I’ve heard good things about Spectrasonics, I’ll check those other suggestions you made out.

    thanks for replying!!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Anything SDX is fine by me. I have most of the cheaper kits, but rarely use them.
    It would be nice if the midi files included the categorys (verse, chorus, bridge) from now on.
    For me, “bridge” files always take the longest to find.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000

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