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  • notstewart

    I agree with the above poster, you don’t give yourself enough credit.
    It sounds like you’re using very inexpensive software/hardware for recording and mixing, but you would never know it from the results.
    I’ve been recording and mixing for years with good hardware and software but I still suck at it.
    Your song sounds very Dave Matthews like of which I’m a fan. The guitar playing is outstanding in my opinion!
    Find a singer to sing over it and it will be even better.
    I started out like you (songs with no vocals), but eventually began singing the songs myself.
    I’m not much of a singer and have a very narrow range, but I’m not tone deaf, so I decided to start doing the vocals myself.
    Some songs I still crinch when I hear the vocals, but most I don’t mind and I’ve had some local bands showing interest in covers or remixes, so that felt pretty good.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks fizbin!
    I guess it’s wishful thinking on my part because I suck at playing bass.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I saw this thread after asking the same question in another thread.

    Bass midi files please…

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks Tom!!

    I listened to the new song, the lyrics (to me) are a bit weak.
    Everything else sounds good.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Interesting…It sounds pretty good after all that.
    Do you use .aiff only because you’re using Logic?
    Would a Wav file also be an option (I realize it’s a bigger file)?

    thanks for answering!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks Phil!!
    The vocals take me forever to do because I double them up.
    A single track just doesn’t cut it for me.

    thanks again,


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Hey Tom,
    Are the people you collaborated with local friends, or internet friends?
    The reason I ask is because if it’s internet friends, I’m curious to how that works…as far as recording/mixing etc.?



    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Hi Tom,
    I like all 3 versions.
    The vocals are fantastic! (I’m jealous) 🙂
    The only suggestion I would make is directed toward the male vocal version.
    There are a couple of times where less words would work better to allow the song to breath.
    An example is around the 54 sec to 1 minute mark.
    I do realize that it is easier said then done, I struggle with this all the time.
    Anyway great job all around!
    I should probably check ezKeys out, it sounds good.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Tom!
    I really struggle with vocals, wish I had someone else doing that part.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I did a remix, not sure if I made it any better or not, but I’m through playing with it for awhile.
    If you listen, it will need volume. The song’s abit out there, not for everyone (political).

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks for the reply John!
    I don’t think I explained that very well. What I was refering to was going through another dithering process when all the tracks are mixed down to a 44.1/16 bit stereo file (piano’s second mixdown).

    thanks again,


    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    The software looks pretty cool, it’s got my interest!

    You stated that they are 44.1/16 bit after final master.
    SD is 24 bit (or 16). When mixing down a project with all tracks at 24 bit except EZkeys, will it affect the piano sound much?
    Also, are there plans to have further session similar to Superior/EZ Drummer?

    thanks, and congratulations on the new product!!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    I have a good collection of kits now, but can never have too many midi grooves.
    So I like the idea of new kits coming out with the option of only buying the midi.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Al!

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000


    Nice job Al and Callum!!
    Wish I could play and record an acoustic that well.
    Sounds good all around to me.

    Samplitude Pro X3 Suite, SD 3, Tascam UH7000

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