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  • norrie

    The 2 main questions I was hopeing for answers for that seen to have been overlooked in my first post was

    Why not make it so we can make the window to what size we wish and there for making the text bigger ?

    Ive seen it talked about a lot on various forums about the size of the window and the size of text so was this taken in to account or is there a reason for this not being bigger ?

    I am by no meens saying anything bad about the products sounds and tones far from it infact as always they are great mixing tools.

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Also Scott no offence intended here but you work for toontrack so I can understand you will shoot down any comment I make about the things I dont like about the layout.

    In regards to the resolution thats all a personal opinion as is my thoughts on the right hand side of ezmix 2.

    Just because you can clearly read things isnt to say the next person can…
    Each person is different.

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Thats strange as I dont recall seeing any names like boss etc on any of the fx pedals but then this would tell us exactly how the tone was made and I dont expect that. Seeing the likes of Wah Des cho I can understand but usualy people can figure out what was used in a guitar sound so not really seing the point in this when the text is about the same size as the image….

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    I can understand haveing representation of what effects are being used in each preset but it looks very untidy and a black box stuck on a shelve saying eq or comp isnt really that great a feature.

    Would have looked a lot better if they had put it on a rack or even better just listed down the right side what was being used in the chain rather than pictures.

    I meen come one the efx pedals ? Are we realy going to know what they are when there that small ? … They are so small and have no names to them they are there for show and show alone same with the Amp head and 4×12 its taking up space that could be used for better things.

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    There was a good review that was posted a while ago.…zmix-2-by-zach-mcnees/

    “The first issue I had with EZmix 2 was that the plug-in itself could stand to take up much more screen real estate in general or at least offer the option to increase the size. The main reason for this is the graphical depictions of the outboard gear and effects take up about one third of the plug-ins space without providing any usable features thus making all the important text very small and sometimes difficult to read.”

    I agree with that part of the review 100%

    I find the artist pre sets are a lot easyer to find now and makes it a lot quicker to move around.

    The amp presets are cool straight out the box I think the boogie emulation is awesome I love the tone the. are cool aswell.

    Its a cool quick mixing tool and I like it I just wish they would do something about the size πŸ™‚ and the toy shop on the right πŸ˜›

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    My apologies for the double post in the forum earlyer.

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Yeah but a preset can be a helpful start up for a simple sound if required you can then tweak from there or start from scratch if you like I some times do both.

    The point wasn’t about takeing a easy way out or anything along that line the point was why make a preset that when you load it it instantly clips on the master bus ?

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    I should have added I love Ez Mix for quick mixes its fantastic but SD2 is just a big expensive let down.

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    I think you missed the point………

    What I was geting at was why make pre sets that will clip ? Isnt the whole point in a preset to be that it is actually preset to use out of the box so to speak ?

    Ok I know most of us will always tweak presets and use them only as a starting point but haveing a starting point that that clips is well just Sh*t

    Toontrack are going down and down and down in my book of go to plugs.

    Steven Slate drums is fantastic especially when it comes to useing V drums straight out the box no problems ! SSD FTW !!!!

    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Thanks for the reply!

    I actualy just downloaded them 10 mins agoo and have just installed them

    Quick question you said you can search for a specific pack ? Do you just put in Metal or Rock and pop in the search bar or is there another way tto load each pack on its own ?

    Thanks for your help


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Sure thing Scott If you honestly fancy a crack at it πŸ™‚

    I am actualy going to demo a set of new monitors tomorow loking for somehting that has front fireing ports I think I will buy a set of the KRK Rocket 6 G2s with frot fireing ports Ive heard lots of great things about them rather than rear fireing like the tapco S5s I am useing at the momment.

    I think that has a lot to do with the issues I have come across in the past as my monitors are so close to the walls and there is nothing I can do about it.

    I am due to move to a new place in a few months though and will have a room built for mixing with accoustic treatment etc but here is the pics of my set up at the momment so you get a ruff Idea what I am on about

    That is the view as you walk in the door. My monitors point towards the area that the window is. I have a set of thick blinds and thick curtains that I use to cover the window.
    This pic is just as you turn to the right in the room behind the reflection filter you will see another curtain….. Behind that is a huge hole in the wall it used to be a bed so if you Imagin the size of a single bed space? I use the are for storage now keeping drums etc in there out the way.

    I am wondering about puting some accoustic treatment behind the monitors and also on the bottom side of the shelf above…..

    What do you guys think ?


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Me eather I am just a drummer / Guitarest / something haha with a passion for recording music

    I am learning as much as I can I will defo be bringing the drum levels down

    In my mixing room its not so bd but on other systems its a bit over the top


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Hey there Scot thanks for listening πŸ™‚

    I should have given you the song to mix πŸ˜›

    Fancy it πŸ˜‰

    Theres a lot of changes I thik I will make to it like you say the bass guitar is very week its there but I always strugle to get the bass siting right and bass guitar is the one instrument I stuggle to play I think sub consiosly I leave it behind in the mix for that reason and its a habbit I need to get out of

    I did double track the guitars ( played them twice ) There siting 20 Left 20 Right

    With the Vocals I didnt electronicly double track them I had sang them twice on he verse and paned them again left and right and with the chorus I had done it 3 times and left right and down the center but with the center one pulled back slightly I was aiming to thicken them all out by doing this

    Thanks for everythign guys this is a big learning curve for me but I am enjoying it all πŸ™‚


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20


    Hi Whitten thanks for the reply !

    I agree I do tend to get a bit carryed away with the drum level most of all the kick

    I am going to do a second mix and get the balance right between tat and the bass guitar

    Thanks for the reply though πŸ™‚


    Windows 7 (64 bit ) Intel I7 930 12GB OCZ Gold Sonar 8.5 Producer VS700r VS700c Superior 2 / MF/NY EZ mix Roland TD-20

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