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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Lars Fossum

    OK, did not know about USB 3 drive – but have only usb 2 so probably not doable for realtime use.
    Did a little benchmark once . copying to external drives – and it was five times slower than internal.

    I tried to find a lower build height graphics card to use that slot not covered for usb 3 controller card.

    General idea from me with solid state media was mostly as distribution to copy to harddrive, that wasn’t good enough really for realtime reading.

    Anyway, idea is out there – maybe it’s not a good one…..

    Lars Fossum

    Thank you, yes, but as mentioned in first post – all my SATA connections are occupied.

    I use 128 GB SDXC cards for cameras, two of those would suffice – or similar as usb – would be half price compared to SSD(about £50 each in small numbers).
    Think optical media is cheaper each GB.

    If download manager has plenty separate options to do downloads in partials – probably big improvement as well.
    Not sure if it’s just one chunk now, or already so.

    Just throwing wild general ideas, that might be appreciated by many.

    When Halion 6 was released Steinberg they did not have physical media option for upgrades/crossgrades.
    A year later they did – so many people probably asked the same questions as I – can we have content on physical media at an additional cost?

    I think EU had plans that 2025 everybody should have 100 Mbps fiber – until then quite a few have data caps.
    At 2020 50% at 5G, which might still have data cap I assume, as 4G has now.

    Lars Fossum

    Well, there is full boxed version – that does not say “download” as upgrade version says.
    So how is that done?
    What is production cost for that – just have that as separate option for download version too – just as Steinberg Halion has for content on that stuff?

    I belive dual layer DVD are about 9.5 GB so half your suggested amount, 25 disks, is my guess.
    Then there is BD media which would mean 4-5 Bluray disks.

    If you want physical media as backup as well, that is offered on some more products I’ve had over the years even.

    Just give us payed options – and everybody wins. Everybody that wants to upgrade – can do that.

    Everytime I download a patch for xbox game – it says “connection charges may apply” or similar.
    So it’s not like uncommon with data cap on internet.

    Lars Fossum

    OK, thank you for response on this.

    Running 7 stereo outs normally at 48, I have not had any problems or anything – with SD2.
    Just collecting points for possible upgrade down the line.

    Lars Fossum

    No worries. Thanks for your response.

    It sounds like smart move to do like you suggested, if regular kit staying on original or some fixed tunings – are made at load time.
    But maybe dynamic articulations are done in realtime, to make every hit a little different than previous, and need to be made in realtime or use a lot of memory duplicating with variations or similar.

    Lars Fossum

    Thanks for a extensive and good response.

    I got impression from Olle two years ago, when I reported a crash bug(2.4.1) – which was to do with init of sample rate conversion when loading a user preset. He said it takes a little extra cpu – but not so much.

    Thereby ability to choose algo – but seems I got it wrong then.

    “When you run a sample rate other than 44.1kHz there are ‘resamplers’
    at the outputs that convert from 44.1 to whatever is used in your
    project. “

    “Regarding your questions, the adaptation to a different sample rate
    in the host is done by resamplers at the outputs of S2. They
    are always high quality and eat up a sizeable portion of a CPU
    core if you use all outputs and a sample rate other than 44.1kHz.”

    “We offer two version when
    you pitch sounds, though, ‘Fix:ed and un-Fix:ed’. The Fix:ed
    sounds are resampled in memory using that same high quality
    algorithm while the un-Fix:ed sounds are interpolated on the

    Or is it different in SD2 and SD3?

    Lars Fossum

    That might be it – thank you.

    I like the idea like Izotope has on some products with many things that are saved under one preset.

    Thought that would be cool.

    But I guess there are track templates in host software that can be used like that.

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