Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Lars Fossum

    I think the groove check function as practising is outstanding in Yamaha. All Roland lack that as far as I tested when I got mine(10 years ago). I find that really is encouraging to get statistics numbers on how in the pocket your playing is – according to various settings you can apply, which parts of kit is to be measured etc.


    I have an older DTXPRESS IV and look for kit among current products that allow setting midi note individually for any pad. Other things to look for might be that it sends midi for cymbal chose as well, mine do on internal sounds but does not send midi when muting cymbal.


    As I am using internal sounds for nothing but practising, used for drumming entirely for midi and SD, I have not looked on Yamaha sounds in that critical view. Many drummers prefer Roland, as I understand. Personally testing both at the time I did not favor any sound, since that is what you hear when testing in music store.


    Just another view…

    Lars Fossum

    One site listing Orchestral SDX tells over 300 GB of unprocessed sounds – so it’s nothing I can fix.

    No go for me if that is the case?


    Where did the 65 GB estimate come from?

    Lars Fossum

    Excellent, thank you. 🙂

    Lars Fossum

    Anybody know estimated size yet to download for this?

    I’ve saved up 120 GB datacap for this, will that be enough?

    I did not download anything SD3 yet, to be able to hopefully get Orchestral as it is released.

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