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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • nigel smith

    join the club

    nigel smith

    what a farce and totally unavoidable you boasted you’ve been working on this for 4 years

    nigel smith

    maybe more instructive help or videos would be helpful lets have a building block learning curve based across all genres not just the metal community as championed by the guy with the beard . but then it becomes uneasy . like logic 9 . come on toontrack back it up . if you go down the road of belittling peoples computer skills re cut and paste you are the guys out of time . why throw your reputation away . a recent uk magazine guitarist poll said only 4 %had got into computer composing theres your market educate the masses not the current generation exclusively . i have had nigh on 30 years of looking in on this arena ,1986 midi /smpte . the minute you go computer nerdy you’ve lost and who are we kidding you can’t replace a real drummer so calm down and relax good luck

    nigel smith

    i had the same problem on my mac check you are using the latest o/s but don’t upgrade to mavericks as your computer will gain a new id and you will have re authorise . sort it out as the end of this is your tracks start sounding like someones fallen asleep on the decks

    nigel smith

    fun is if you go all the way up to 31 in the beat library plus in the basic rock pop pack the rudiments are all there then use your loop library or the new scary ez 2 to add percussion then shift the kit hits in the piano roll editor in your daw

    nigel smith

    ez 1 pop and rock plus weirdly enough the country pack is what you need 2/4 3/4 6/8 4/4 beats and the early drums were overdubbed hence the slightly out of time feel /lazy feel
    a big leading ride so you will need your editor in 32./64. edit mode to slew the beat/irony is its an out of time or stoned drummer . french group air recreated this sound on the virgin suicides c d . the mallets/pom poms brushes are great in the country pack but you need imagination which era or songs are you interested in

    nigel smith

    you got it right first time round .ez 2 is a mirror of the functions we do in the daw anyway ? and the leading hand is done on the guitar when composing in loops not the other way round this is your fundamental flaw , we don’t compose drum tracks . we compose songs and thats why we love ez 1

    nigel smith

    is it true if i buy an expansion pack it won’t work in ez 1 that you need ez 2 to support it /

    nigel smith

    dony do it

Viewing 9 replies - 31 through 44 (of 44 total)

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