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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • nigel smith

    you could be right i did indeed save gb app and songs to desktop before purchasing a standalone backup .and left it there . will try deleting it and see what happens

    nigel smith

    see screenshots Screen-Shot-2015-05-17-at-18.17.24.png




    nigel smith

    there is no option as you describe in get info panel only in preferences then your options are as i have described. previously gb 605 is a 24 bit prog the warning message coming up is from toontrack saying i am running a 32 bit version of ez drummer my logic 9 is a 32 bit prog with the option to knock it down to 24 bit . see screen shot the prog seems to work you just have to keep defeating the error message . its very annoying as there are some great features like the open high hat options that let you replicate a slosh and make it swing too .this is great breakthrough over ez 1 yet you theres no mention of it in your demos . Screen-Shot-2015-05-17-at-17.38.24.png


    nigel smith

    you get 3 options good 16 bit better 24 bit with 16 bit export and best 24 bit plus 24 bit export . there is no 32 bit option .
    john its gb/preferences/advanced theres your option to switch between the 3
    re scott iam using the original kit in ez 2 it sounds like the original now but it certainly did not when originally tried a year ago

    nigel smith

    i am asking you /don’t ask me tried the latest gb update with the add on logic x extras deleted it / designed for tablet /went back to the last gb version so i work in gb 11 6 5
    plus the last update and logic 9

    i have just done an a b refferece test with the kits and ez 1 original mix kits piss all over the add on kits re volume and clarity . there is surely a final gate issue here with the ez 2 kits . that is if i want to go to an ez 1 project and replace it with all fancy ez 2 sounds i will have to reimport the midi into the play style editor re edit and post back to the track /thats not easy . its like your new default is minus 4db try it on your own tracks and you will hear it

    nigel smith

    john done all that has cured blinking screen / black bars over and above timeline / midi input has changed now clocks the new track i.e. 2 tracks 2 midi chanels in garage band and logic 9. fingers crossed yet still getting this warning sign when running 2 ez tracks together but the track keeps going see screenshot thinking back re the original problem i was adding your 4 beat percussion loops into a ghost pattern and these are 8 beat loops maybe this was the problem . i thought it would cover the bar loop automatically but it doesn’t . many thanks Screen-Shot-2015-05-15-at-19.32.43.png

    nigel smith

    screen shotsScreen-Shot-2015-05-13-at-17.49.35.png



    nigel smith

    just tried again and it seems to work ok but i definitely hit this problem 3 days ago . ghost in the machine maybe ?see screen shots of 32 bit warning

    nigel smith

    thats the original ez 1 sounds better its the ez 2 thats chained up in some horrible multi path fx and dull

    nigel smith

    apologies its your customers helping you out just a handy redirect from heinrik how lazy and venal can you get they don’t care . and its a problem

    nigel smith

    that has got to be the worst ever voiceover i have ever heard re workflow i a am so sorry for your lack of conviction you sound like you were in detention at school and forced to do it in recompense . dour . your company says ez thats easy write yourself a script i would love your job

    nigel smith

    so true i went back to ez 1 after buying ez 2 and that wasn’t easy either .we want a real time looper in the daw .simple as . not a song construction tool for non musicians .lets face it if your using this software you know what your doing re rudiments and beats . its so sad you just feel some old hat for hire computer people have been let loose. and the culpability is when they release fancy videos of their travels and samples . and you go to the free previews in ez 2 and they all sound the same . go on

    nigel smith


    nigel smith

    good time play 9/8 10/ 8 11/8 i guess your gb ruler is set to 2/4

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