Great deals on software,
sounds and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds
and MIDI!

Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Joseph Teresi

    I bought a Western Digital SSD 1TB portable. It was expensive, but all that I’ve read and the research I’ve done say the larger drives have a longer life span. …fingers crossed!

    Joseph Teresi

    @Henrik said:
    If you’d like to put all your Toontrack stuff on one disk, then it makes sense to get one big SSD and download the samples. The Superior Drummer 3 pre-configured SSD doesn’t have much space for other stuff – this is to keep the prices for our customers down!  

    I use a USB 3 hub on my computer. I plan to plug my new portable 1 TB SSD drive in this hub (when I get it) Will it work ok? …the SSD drive being plugged into a USB 3 hub?


    Joseph Teresi

    Thank you all for your responses. I just ordered a 1 TB SSD portable drive. Can’t wait to give this a go!

    Joseph Teresi

    @AdeyMagus said:
    I too own SD2, EZD2 and a whole host of SDXs, EZXs, along with EZKeys and every EZKeys expansion and midi pack, yet I do not feel cheated and I think the word ‘greedy’ is a bit harsh.

    There is AN upgrade path for me, and for that I am grateful, but I would happily buy a brand new piece of software with all of SD3s features for, say, $300 – yet I can now get one for 2/3 of that. And no, not all of the features are useful to me (I will probably never use 11.1 or Tracker). SD3 is an amazing piece of software, from what I can see so far, with a LOT of time and effort – not just into the recording – but into the layout, the presentation, the extra stacking features, the enhanced tracking, the enhanced everything, the (FREE) upgrades to every EZX and SDX that needs new graphics etc. No charge for those!

    If Toontrack are successful and get lots of ‘loyal’ customers – and then every ‘loyal’ customer gets SD3/4/5/6 for next to nothing moving forward – then Toontrack are not profitable and all of this ends pretty soon. To me, loyalty is not about buying early, or first, and then expecting every version down the line to come to me for next to nothing, or for what I decide I want to pay. Loyalty, to me, is paying a FAIR price for a great product and supporting the company through worthwhile purchases not expecting really cheap updates forever because I got in there first. Apple don’t give me any discount AT ALL on my iPhone every couple of years (I always miss a step) because I was first in line on the day they launched the original model, or because I have five Macs, two iPads and an AppleTV and lots of their paid software, so why should Toontrack? Yet they do.

    And, as ever, this is a market place. If there is a better piece of software out there for less than $200 that does everything you want it to do, then go and buy that instead. No-one is forcing you to buy anything. Companies have to make money and companies that work hard on quality should be rewarded fairly. I dislike the race to the bottom, price-wise. All it means is less money for talented people to re-invest in making things even greater. Of course I would take a greater discount, if Toontrack offered me one for all I own of theirs, but I’m actually pretty happy with the one I am getting. I want Toontrack to make enough money to make SD4 even better and so me, this is NOT greed. Far from it.  

    I hear what you are saying and I agree a lot with what you are saying ….but, respectfully … missed my point 🙂

    Joseph Teresi

    I agree. There also needs to be an upgrade path for those of us that own 2 or more of the following…

    EZ Drummer 2
    Superior Drummer 2

    I have been as loyal as it gets. I was one of Toontracks FIRST EVER customers! I originally purchased Drumkit from hell before the times of EZ Drummer! As a matter of fact, my serial Number for it is very VERY LOW! So as someone who has supported Toontrack from its very beginning …and who owns almost ALL the products that Toontracks has to offer, I believe that $200 is very steep and a bit greedy.

    Joseph Teresi

    Can’t wait to try this!

    Joseph Teresi

    not only that, but what about owners who already own Drum Tracker as well? I own EZ2, SD2, AND Drum Tracker. Will there be an even more special price for those of us who own all 3 of these products?

    Joseph Teresi

    I bought a 6 pack bundle

    My question is, if I buy a I bought a 6 pack bundle, can I save the unused serials for future redemption on future products? nexis

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