Thor, I managed to solve my issue by hitting each cymbal or drum, looking at which cymbal or drum animated on the EZD interface, and then assigning my preferred cymbal within the software.
As for the delay, I use a USB-to-USB connection to my Mac. I have the buffer size set to the smallest number possible in the EZD MIDI settings. This gives me so little delay and latency that I can play as if I was using the Roland’s built-in samples.
Thanks John. I’m using two EZX packs, DFH and Progressive. For the time being what I’ve done is hit the Roland cymbal pad I want to change and turn the knob until I see an appropriately placed cymbal in EZD animate, such as a right-hand crash. Then I’ve changed that cymbal to a china or splash. It works, and I now have a good kit setup, but it means I have the image of a crash in EZD actually trigger a china sound. It’s no bother but if there’s a better way of doing this I’d love to know.
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