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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Mitch Castle

    Wow, I gave up awhile back on this thread and on a lark decided to check into it….. thanks for the input…. that’s great information!

    Mitch Castle

    Thanks Scott –  I originally got frustrated with EZ Drummer and decided to go find some ready-made drum tracks. But if you’re a songwriter, there’s no way  the canned drum track is gonna make you happy.  So I went back to EZ Drummer and tried a new approach:  if you want to put in a fill, all you have to do is just  fit-it into the last count of the eight bars, right ?  So basically it ends right before the first count of the next 8 bars.   But it never sounds right…. one of your other forum users said something about adding pennies to the beginning or end of a fill to make it work.   I think I’m gonna try and learn about the snap-to feature on my software and see if that helps.  I’ve had some experience quantizing wav files but not midi files and guess I need to study that too.  You know,  I play guitar, bass, and keyboard…. just don’t understand why learning drums has to be like learning rocket science…. !

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