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  • MLJ

    I am having issues with Samplitude prox 5 suites and EZ drummer2, I don’t know whether or not that is the same with Superior drummer, but the midi functionality of Samp is negatively affected

    when trying to use the click track to start a VIP project recording, it does not work correctly. I am trying to get ahold of Toontrack, found this message, so I thought I would put it up-

    My mesage to Toontrack:

    Hello, I discovered that Samp does not like my drum program, EZ drummer2 by Toontracks. It is up to date. If I engage EZ Drummer 2, then start Samplitude with the click, for whatever reason the 4/4 click will not work properly.., although ¾ and all others do count properly prior to starting recording. It also has sound issues with EZ drummer’s playing that it did not have before the upgrade from 4 to 5. It has distorted output on playback. I have a way around the timing problem, I could just not use a click to start recording in 4/4, with EZ drummer set to come in on say 4 clicks, as it does not give me 4 clicks and start on one now. I have to disable the click, and program a click in EZ drummer, not convenient because I have to delete it when the recording is finished unless I want a click at the beginning of every song

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