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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • mix2much

    Another great one. Are these kit pices the same as the newer one you did? What freq are you cutting and boosting on the kick and snare?


    This sounded great. I love my Axe Fx too. And I’m really rediscovering the DFH library again lately. I agree with you on MF snares. It’s been a tough library for me in that dept. Would you mind sharing what Kit pieces you used here? Did you process in 2.0 or use external processing?

    Well done.


    I’m surprised no one has mention using a gate.


    My favorite by far is the Evil Drums SDX from Platinum Samples. A distant second to that would be Allaire and Avatar.


    I’m hoping some light can be shed on the hi hat situation as well for the Alesis Trigger IO. I have one and I am only getting open and closed- nothing inbetween. (I’m using the Roland VH-11) I will say that I’ve gotten the sensitivity pretty well ironed out on all the pads but that took more time and patience than I normally care to give. My ride cymbal is also a concern. I have a Roland CY-15 and I’m not able to get the bell seperate from the bow which is also a serious bummer. If anyone has managed around these things, I’d sure love to hear it.

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