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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • MikeyVPT

    RET Percussion kits here.  Nothing feels better to me that hitting a real drum head.  Trigger Superior Drummer 2.1 with the SDX is flippin’ amazing!

    I use the Trigger Io also.


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Why hello there 🙂

    Here’s a link for a video series I’m doing with RET Percussion.  The series is called “VPT For Drummies”!

    Here, we’re using the SDX with version 2.1… and it’s fantastic!  This is all about how to setup a moving hi hat with controller on a traditional hi hat stand.

    It should be the main video… then part two is below it on the RET Channel.

    Let me know what you think!


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Hahaha… that last response still tickles me!  Short and sweet!

    Anywho, have you checked out the newest of the SD2.0 videos?!

    RET and Superior Drummer 2 is amazing.


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.



    RET Percussion has the best kits hands down (in my humble opinion) 🙂

    Not only are they the first kits to be made for software, but RET was the FIRST to apply this new software with electronic drums.  You most definitely won’t be needing a module for this stuff!

    As far as price, the Stealth kit (you can check that out in my videos on Youtube), is the smallest in size and in price.

    Check those kits out and make up your own mind.  You don’t need me to tell you what to do…


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Superior Drummer 2.0 – video 2:

    Almost 100 views today!  Awesome 🙂


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    I’m waiting until this video gets 2K views before the next one goes up… and so on 😉
    I can’t believe that’s only been 10 days.  You guys are to blame for the amount of hits this video has gotten!
    Thank you.

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Well… congrats!
    As much as I love my RET kit(s), I can honestly say that I’m glad you’ve found something you like.  That’s the most important.
    Good luck, dude!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Thanks for all the views!
    This is incredible!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


     RET uses the FD-8 also, and it works great!  I’m fairly sure anyone using EZD and that pedal will say the same thing.
    As far as playing as dynamic and as fast as you’d like… I can tell you that the USB kit from Alesis will be VERY difficult for you.  Not only is BFD very raw and take a lot of time tweaking, but I don’t think Alesis is capable of handling any type of customer support… at least not enough to get customers through the loads of tweaking (I actually enjoy tweaking… and BFD, for that matter).
    The TD-kits can do it (from what I’ve heard).
    The RET kits can do it (I know from my own experience!).
    It’s hard for me NOT to be biased here, only because I’ve played all the RET Percussion kits already.
    Does this help?!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    It’s just a matter of assigning your cymbals’ MIDI notes to where you’d like them… if you can find the right setting on the TD for changing MIDI notes, then you’ll be fine.

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


      You’ve got a good ear, my friend 🙂
    My personal playing style (PPS) tends to be a bit more subdued than most people.  I like to play without having to hit my drums Hard to reach the higher velocity’s.  Thusly, I set the settings for my PPS to be more sensitive.  It keeps me from sweating during our video shoots, and keeps me fresh when I gig (for the ladies ), and able to keep up with the guys I play with.  I hate having to blast my kit for full velocity ranges (although that’s a few button pushes away…).
    You can acheive INSANE amounts of dynamics from the RET kits.  I could probably log ALL 128 velocity layers within EZdrummer from any pad, maybe with the exception of my heavy right foot
    In short: the first time I used EZD with just an RET snare, my laptop, and the Alesis IO, I was SO blown away with how easy it was to play my fastest double strokes, and my lightest hits anywhere on the drum.  I really enjoy the VPT setup because it allows for total customization with any PPS!
    (Info-mercial Complete!)

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    This is a tricky question you’re asking here… everyone has their own opinion!
    In mine, I’d go with one that will allow you to play most naturally.  I mean, if you’re an acoustic drummer, play something with acoustic heads, ya know?
    The Alesis kits give you that… I played them at NAMM this year, and although they’re using the sa… ahem… similar cymbals… to the RET Percussion kits, you get what you pay for, ya know?
    With mesh and rubber, you’re looking at a new style of playing altogether.  I actually started off triggering software with a Stealth kit from RET.  It is VERY comparible to a practice pad.
    You’ve got to ask yourself, do you need a module with the kit, or are you already using your computer for that?  I’ve got the computer to house my software (I happen to really enjoy EZD), and so I just went with the 250gb VPT package from RET.
    However, if I had to go with something on this list, I’d probably go with the Alesis USB kit with it’s shiny new upgrades.
    Good luck on your hunt!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    It’s totally possible to have a tom sample on the tom head, and a splash or china on the rim.  It’s EZ 😉
    I believe my latest video has a little section about changing midi note numbers.  NOTE: you don’t need a splitter of any sort for that!

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    ORIGINAL: fignewton

    I thiink you are going to notice usability.
    Having read on this forum and personal experience, the Roland Modules where working out of the box.  I plugged it in the MIDI out to my Edirol and i was playing.
    The Alesis IO I had to do a lot of tweaking to get working.
    Up to you.

    It’s true… the IO is a different piece of hardware and comes with a learning curve.  When I first bought the VPT package, it took some getting used to.  I have it mastered, I feel.
    Now, as the newest member to the RET Percussion team, we all agreed that it would be best to PRELOAD the Alesis Trigger IO with what we felt was the best general settings!  It’s EZ!
    I can’t say enough for the FireBox.  It’s helped out a great deal with latency across the board.

    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.


    Not to go against the grain (and I realize I’m a few months behind on this thread), but I use the Trigger IO with EZDrummer, and I think my videos show some really great results.  True, I’m using the PreSonus FireBox as my audio driver, also, BUT once I got my hands on EZD, I loaded it up, hooked it up to one of my RET drum pads, and gave it a real workout.
    Not only could I hit my fastest doubles, but I got tons of sensitivity for both the head and rim triggers.  It might just be the RET Percussion pads (They have a lot of sensitivity), or the fact that I can handle an Alesis Trigger IO in my sleep, but it does the best job for the price!
    In my COMPLETE OPINION, I’m not saying it’s the best product to use (because it has it’s share of limitations), but for the price, I think it puts a Check to the Mate on a Roland brain for a TMI.
    I would really like to see a Suped up IO box, loaded with Toontrack software, on an RET Percussion set.  That would put to shame any other combination, I feel.


    President - Virtual Percussion Outlet (.com) Equipment: RET Percussion Fusion Pro-CX and Stealth kit, VPT system from RET (EZDrummer with all expansions AND Superior 2.0, BFD2 also), PreSonus FireBox, Pro-Mark Sticks.

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