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  • Mike

    I’d consider experimenting with making the whole kit clearer in general, proximity is a huge part of modern mixes that allows everything to be heard and have it’s own location in the mix.

    Add some lows to the kick, the beater is all that’s cutting through.
    With the snare solo’d, just mess with the upper EQ freqs and see what you think. While having a mound around 250 is good, it’s super dark in the current mix and that’s not helping at all.
    I wouldn’t put any attack at 1ms unless you’re going for that sound, it’s a tone killer IMO. I’d start around 25ms and release it around 50ms and use the rest of the suggestions in the post above.

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    Hey Scott, ya I forgot to include the Trigger in my above post as being also muted.

    I messed around with the compression and envelope to get it tighter, better.

    Does the Metal Foundry snares all have this much snares bleed?
    Does TMF also have the trigger channel? I’m thinking this one is NO.

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    Digi 192’s, curious what S1.0 used?

    Just curious because these files are definitely better regardless of drum tone.

    My comment took into account your reply Whitten about mics, drum tunings etc. I should’ve been more clear I guess, but detail, depth and stereo width were my curiosity on the new recordings. Things like an M-Audio vs Forssell interface would improve upon.

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    Got the mixing board/preamp for The Metal Foundry = Neve

    But I couldn’t see or I missed if they said the interface. Just curious because these files are definitely better regardless of drum tone. Maybe Hedd, Lavry Gold, Prism, Forssell?

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads


    Here is a link to help others out, the upgrade is available at Musicians Friend and is $30.

    One question though, my studio computer doesn’t go onto the internet and couldn’t open the .odm or whatever that file extension was during the 2nd DVD install.
    Any help?

    PC, 2.4 Duo, Win XP, Cubase, S2.2.3, Metalheads

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