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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • Michael_23

    I figured it out, and I feel so dumb.. I always use the electronic snare and kick drum in GP5 cuz they sounds tighter, and I forgot to switch them back to the acoustic sounds. I went back and changed all of the notes, and BAM. Problem solved. Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for getting back to me though.


    Doesn’t appear to be any stacked X-drums other than a hi-hat. I couldn’t attach the file, so I made a dropbox link if that works. I really appreciate the responsiveness!


    I wasn’t aware of that. The velocities were all around 80%. I messed around with snare velocities in the midi, but they’re measured in % as where SD has a 0-127 range. Do you know what the measurement is for the velocities in SD?

    Regardless though, no matter what I set the midi velocities too, it still doesn’t sound like the snare in SD, even with them being at higher values. It definitely has more “thwack” now, but it sounds like it’s tuned higher, and still lacks the punch and body. Almost like it’s a completely different snare, or lacks the processing that’s going on with the SD preset. Is there anyway to just have the drums in SD completely translate into Studio One, or is SD dependent upon the midi editing in Studio One?

    This preset just sounds so awesome to my ears (relatively speaking of course), and I’m just hoping there’s a way to replicate it’s exact sound when I play it back.

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