Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

Deals, a new SDX and more!*

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  • Mho

    Man, this is getting very rude. I ain´t no newbie, and I do apreciate those EZx line recordings.

    The 24/16 bit thing is really dated in my book. First, you can work those 16 bit samples in a 24 bit project session in almost any DAW, no big deal. Second, none of my collection of CDs is in 24 bits, should I erase all the music I have listened in my life?

    I would love to see some feedback on the actual library, not just the 24 bit thing. You can go to gearslutz and read any of the bazillion threats about that.

    BTW: I have both the Nashville EZx and the Music City SDX and I get much better results with the Nashville. Why do all the processing in the box with plugins while Chuck Anlay has already done the job with the real thing in Sound Kitchen?

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