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Great deals on software, sounds
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Great deals on software, sounds and MIDI!*


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  • mggallagher

    Would you be willing to combine this with the roots brushes SDX? Do you happen to have the NY vol 1 or 3 for sale as well?

    Hi there,

    I don’t have any of the NY studio ones any more unfortunately. Would £130 for the above plus Roots – Brushes be okay?


    I was just visiting the music store today, checked out an amazing bass. Luckily I only went home with what I had in mind to buy (a new descent strap). How do you like your new pedal so far?

    I’m interested in the following:

    • Studio Grand – ezkeys expansion
    • Hooks & Chords Midi
    • Jazz Midi
    • Keys & Strings Midi

    Hi there, did you see my proposal above? Any thoughts?


    I was just visiting the music store today, checked out an amazing bass. Luckily I only went home with what I had in mind to buy (a new descent strap). How do you like your new pedal so far?

    I’m interested in the following:

    • Studio Grand – ezkeys expansion
    • Hooks & Chords Midi
    • Jazz Midi
    • Keys & Strings Midi

    Oh,  and further to the above,  new pedal is good – very different to my other, cheaper one which kind of changed my plan of selling the old one as they kind of complement each other in a way. But I might need to get some kind of noise gate though. And learn to play a bit ‘neater’ than I do currently!


    How does £70 for all of those sound?


    Make me an offer for anything and I’ll happily consider. I’m not using much software just now anyway but just treated myself to a new pedal (Revv G3) which hopefully my wife will pay for half of, for my birthday!


    Seems that the EZ Keys expansions are on sale so I could do them for £45 each for just now if anyone is interested.


    That makes a lot of sense. For playing, I also like think the core library is enough and frankly triggers the best, the hihat triggering and triggering in general seems to work the best with the core library. I was kind of bargain hunting lately and watching videos about different expansions and such. You mentioned NY vol 3 in another topic, do you still have it?

    Even tough I own a couple of (cheap) bass-guitars I still like EZbass for the natural sound, the articulations and composing tools. The best way to use it in my experience is to run it using clean DI and use a third party bass-amp plugin (even the one in your DAW) to give the sound some more roundness without it sounding mushy.
    Before I dwindle on, I already have the ezkeys dream machine and two piano expansions. Any other sound expansions or midi add-ons would be nice.

    Okay, so here’s what I have that I could sell:


    EZ Keys

    • Grand Piano
    • Mellotoon
    • Studio Grand
    • Hooks & Chords Midi
    • Jazz Midi
    • Keys & Strings Midi

    And for SD3/EZ Drummer:


    • Monster MIDI Pack 2 – Odd Meters
    • Basic Jazz Midi
    • Post-Rock Grooves

    Let me know if any of those are of interest and come up with a price.


    That makes a lot of sense. For playing, I also like think the core library is enough and frankly triggers the best, the hihat triggering and triggering in general seems to work the best with the core library. I was kind of bargain hunting lately and watching videos about different expansions and such. You mentioned NY vol 3 in another topic, do you still have it?

    Even tough I own a couple of (cheap) bass-guitars I still like EZbass for the natural sound, the articulations and composing tools. The best way to use it in my experience is to run it using clean DI and use a third party bass-amp plugin (even the one in your DAW) to give the sound some more roundness without it sounding mushy.
    Before I dwindle on, I already have the ezkeys dream machine and two piano expansions. Any other sound expansions or midi add-ons would be nice.

    yeah unfortunately I don’t have any electronic kit but if I had the space I definitely would! I like EZ Bass but need to learn to use it a bit more I think to get the most out of it but I want to play more bass since I upgraded my very cheap Ibanez to a slightly more expensive Squier (but I’m upgrading a lot of the parts already as I like a ‘project’). But yeah I did try the DI option and put it through Amplitube or Two Notes Torpedo afterwards and sounds good.

    Let me remind myself which EZ Keys I still have and get back to you. I think I sold some but the only ones I want to keep are Dream Machine and Classic Electric. I bought some midi but haven’t used it so I’ll come back and let you know what I have maybe this evening or tomorrow as it’s on my personal computer and apparently I’m ‘working’ just now 🙂


    I understand, if you still use it then it might not be the right time to sell it. I already have the progressive SDX, it’s quite versatile. If you want to sell any other SDX or ezkeys expansion, please let me know.

    I was mostly selling them as I’m mostly focussing on playing and not recording that much now so figured I could make do with the SD3 core library for the time being and I just bought a new bass. Plus I only really use the EZ Keys Classic Electrics and can’t actually play piano anyway!

    Any EZ Keys (expansions or EZ Keys Midi) you fancy as I would probably be more likely to sell those?


    I’m sorry for being cheap ;), I should have put that it was 50 euro’s. A big music retailer in Holland has both Roots SDX’ for sale for 100 as a bundle. I already have the sticks variant so that won’t work for me.  Quite recently I bought the Rock Warehouse SDX on sale their, for 56 euro’s.If you put in a little price-drop I’ll definitely consider.

    Hi there,

    I’d probably rather hold on to it as I do use it occasionally. Progressive is probably the one I use the least so it’s probably the only one I’d discount to the €60 type range.




    Would you be willing to sell the “Brushes, Rods & Mallets SDX” for less than 70? I bought the sticks variant for around 50 quite recently.

    How about £60?


    Are these still for sale?

    Just quote-replying you in case you didn’t get an alert for the above – yes these are all still available if you’re interested.


    Hi there, yes these are still available.


    No worries! Haven’t used SD3 much recently as not been recording much music, more playing and looking to upgrade my bass as it’s a very basic one and so selling off expansions to fund it.


    Hi Ian,

    I have the Progressive Foundry and Roots SDX (both the Brushes, Rods & Mallets one and the Sticks ones) if either of those are of interest?





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