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Hi Is the SDX Brushes still available?
Would you take $65 US dollars?
Thx, Jeff
Sorry for late reply but nope, already sold.
I want to by a license of ezbass. Do you...I want to by a license of ezbass. Do you have this for sale??
I want to by a license of ezbass. Do you have this for sale??
Hi Sébastien,
I would sell mine as I don’t really use it. How would £80 sound?
Hi mggallager, I’m interested in Monster Midi Pack 2 – Odd signatures and Post Rock Grooves. WOuld you take both for 20 $?
Hi Josh,
I could do them for say $25 as with the exchange rate just now I’d lose out quite a bit. Would that work?
OK, fair enough. How we should proceed, should I make a paypal payment to your email and then you contact toontrack for the transfer?
Hi Josh, yes you can email me at michaelggallagher at gmail dot com and I’ll send you the details from there as I use a different email for PayPal. Once payment comes through I’ll transfer the licences and send you the notifications as they come through and send you once they have been completed too.
Hi mggallager, I’m interested in Monster Midi Pack 2 – Odd signatures and Post Rock Grooves. WOuld you take both for 20 $?
Hi Josh,
I could do them for say $25 as with the exchange rate just now I’d lose out quite a bit. Would that work?
Progressive SDX sold. Now remaining:
Let me know if either of these are of interest!
Okay, still have the following available:
Let me know if either of these are of interest!
Oh, I thought you only had Roots Sticks available. If you have both Roots SDX – Brushes, Rods, & Mallets and Roots SDX – Sticks, and can do them for $130, I’ll buy them.
- This post was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by Bob McCune.
Ok, cool. Do you want to email me? My details are in a post above.
Bummer about the Jazz MIDI. I may be interested in Roots – Sticks, but with the current sale and Black Friday coming up soon, the best I could do would be 65 USD. If that works for you, I’ll take it.
If you wanted both Roots I could do $130 but for just one the lowest I would go is $70. That’s about as cheap as I’ve seen an SDX go even at Black Friday. Which is still a few months away. 😊
Hi Michael,
Is the Jazz MIDI still available? Have you already sold the Roots SDXs?
Hi Bob,
Jazz midi is sold but I do still have Roots – Sticks if that’s of interest.
Hi there… could you do $14 USD for basic Jazz midi… I would buy the other 2 but I already have them… hahaha…
Thanks for the consideration
If not my email is michael g gallagher at gmail dot com (obviously no spaces) and we can go from there.
Hi there… could you do $14 USD for basic Jazz midi… I would buy the other 2 but I already have them… hahaha…
Thanks for the consideration
Hi Dirk, ok, I can do that. Do you have my email address already?
The following are still available:
EZ Keys
And for SD3/EZ Drummer:
How about 60 for the ezkeys expansion + the midi? I’m thinking of buying the indiependent SDX now it’s on sale :). I’ve been buying too much toontrack kit lately
So initially you offered £70 for the same if you mean Studio Grand Expansion plus 3 midi packs. I can do that but I can’t go as low as £60 for that much I’m afraid. If you can do £70 for SG Exp plus 3 midi, we have a deal.
Any other SDX not listed for sale? I’ll think about the offer.
I only have Roots – Sticks (which I think you have already) and Progressive beyond the Roots – Brushes. I sold all my other ones previously.
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