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  • metal190

    No disrespect implied, but this sounds crazy. A “good” preamp, laptop and “all the hardware” for $1100? And SS drives, you say? There’s no way. Not to mention that just a preamp alone will sound like crap. You would also need a power amp, cab and mic or plan on modelling any number of those components (which again puts you back in the market for a modeller).

    Farbeyond, listen to people who own or at least have spent considerable time with the gear you’re asking about. For me, the axe fx ii is the real deal. I agree with guitardad that the kemper is awesome. I don’t own own, but got to spend a ton of time with one on a couple different occasions. I kind of feel that you can’t go wrong here, although some of the added conveniences and perks of the axe fx ii tip the scale strongly for my personal application.

    Anyway, best of luck to you.


    Hi FarBeyond,

    You kinda missed my point, I wasn’t saying GR5 or Amplitube or whatever were better, I was saying that the cost of a good analogue, preamp, a laptop and all the hardware, could easily be half the price of the Axe-fx, and with that in mind, using a laptop to process after the fact could actually yield more flexible options.

    Think of all the stuff you could buy instead of the Axe FX….

    Also with SSdrives on laptops they aren’t suffering live, like you might imagine.

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