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  • megapeng

    turning the internal roland sounds off helps as well with latencie (td 20x here)

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    i guessed that, doing it now


    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    1. message in product manager :the “real” product is not installed-only a limited preview
    2.message in s3 please updates3.jpg

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    thanks…and the 1st issue i mentioned? does it have to do with the s3 data structure, as these libraries work flawless with s2

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    “How about adding an extra OH track and set the Mix knob to 100% source audio/0% samples audio to hear the Source Audio only? If you like a clear view of the waveform you could set the Velocity Threshold to 127 and the Match Threshold to 100% to make sure nothing is triggered and no Events are visualized. Would this help?”

    definetly…thats it,

    now for the solo shortcut thing (sorry to bother you again)
    as i use solo (Mostly) for the snare to find real low ghostnotes,it would be comfortable (option in settings maybe), if tracker would pan automatically to full left (sound file) on selecting solo of the tacks (less mouse messing, lazy fart here)

    have a nice weekend

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    hey rob
    dunno how far you ve gotten so far i do have the td 20 and a pretty decent setup running ,
    i would need to know what libraries you have, then i could send you some presets done including the roland td20 preset.
    i usually (studio purpose) run two instances of drummer, one ist drums only and the second one cymbals only using the roots cymbals because they are the most advanced in terms of articulation – specially the hats are the very best.
    and not to forget the “rear oh” samples wich are very neat for the drummer playing with headphones.
    as the cymbals are the “biggest” samples it makes sense.
    this way i only load different drums (kick snare and toms) if i want to change….

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    my workaround so far is – i load (roots -killer) cymbals as one instance – therefore i never change the hats (wich is the most differrnt one when it comes to controllers n stuff.
    and then i have a second instance just for toms kick n snare – and this one i change while playing –
    allthough my preferred way to work would be beeing able to load different drums with my edrum head (i have the roland) therefore on my roland – song 1 would recall avatar – song 2 allaire and so on)
    THAT would be the real thing – i would not even need to look at the computer anymore i even could do it with a footswitch…..

    ps:as a minimum one should be able to save a drumset as “default” drum by changing the library

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    sadly there is no automation for the build in superior mixer (it is a request of mine as well) as the build in mixer is good enough ther would be no need to route audio out separately.

    in your case this means route your desired channels (rooms / oh) to diferrent tracks in your daw and automate the volume there.

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    found out what it is:

    around the value 81 the pedal sends the chick note, anything above is used for rolands internal “Hat bending” technique,
    like a real hat when you play on it – pedal closed and even pressed harder.
    so one has to limit the cc value to 81 (find outwhat is best) in the midisection of drummer then it is ok

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    the best so far ,i`ve seen is DRUM-TEC`s as they are using normal stands for the toms
    (rebound) and besides it looks better-racks are for eighties wig wearing stadium rockers
    sadly i d rather spend a winter in mexico instead of spending the money on IT
    the “big” one (with td 20) is around 8000us although
    one can buy the shells only see here
    and they must be real drummers coz its 5 years warranty none of this lifetime blahblah

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    for your engineer:

    you can use all the articulations but you can turn of (in drummer mixer) the several ambience mics-wich will result in much dryer drumsound (and less ram usage although in avatar i would send em to a separate out coz it sounds much better than a reverb-your engineer coul use i as a “drum verb return”)
    too i would sent kick/ sn / hat e.t.c. on separate outputs so your engineer will get the sound on dedicated channels all this has to be done in dfhs s mixer (routing e.t.c.)
    as far as smartrigger i dont know sorry…
    too you`ll have to figure if you want the toms bleeding into the overheads (wich i believe sounds more natural) and decide ho much bleed you want (snares reacting to the bd e.t.c.)
    i suggest a workshop with your soundman….
    ps try as well “all channels mono” it might make life easyer for the routing

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    solved-depends on the converter

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2


    you could send  the cc4 data with a scrub/modulation wheel,
    or the roland footpedal-although this will be quiet expencive as you`ll probably need a td3 or tmc6 wich is rolands
    cheapest trigger to midi module

    Workstation : i7 3770,16gig ram win 8.1
    Laptop : i7-9750H, ConceptD CN715-71, 32gig ram win 10 Pro
    Allen and Heath D live and Sq 7 / Dante / BabyfacePro
    Samplitude Pro x 5 Suite / Gigperformer4 / Pianoteq Standard 7 / SD3 drummer Toontrack / Arturia V5 Collection /
    Pearl Mimic Pro / Drum Tec Shells / Roland Cymbals / ATV optical Hats /Arturia Keylab 49 MK2

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