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  • Maxwell Moujaes

    Thanks for the suggestion but unfortunately I use an iMac and they don’t support Mac at this time.

    Maxwell Moujaes

    I think there are around 50 presets per pack but someone can correct me.

    I own both packs, and find I end up using the metal one most.  In particular there are a lot of useable bass guitar presets for rock/metal styles and some nice guitar EQ curves which tend to work with distorted guitars.  When I use EZ mix I just search for the instrument type and audition – I never try and specifically use a certain preset pack (you can search for a specific pack if you want).  I tend to find I use the standard EZ mix and the Metal presets the most.

    I tend to write pop rock and a bit of metal music.

    Hope this helps!

    Maxwell Moujaes


    Looks like I screwed up something with saving the preset – try this link instead

    Hope this one works!

    Maxwell Moujaes

    Hi Coryd, thanks for listening!

    Here is the preset, created in Superior 2.0. The Comp+Transient plugs on the hihat were not used. However EZ mix was used on the kick drum.

    Here is a before and after audio demo of the EZ mix on the kick. It is kick basic 3 with the control set to 100%.

    I really like EZ mix for speeding things up… I’m often pushed for time when recording music so I find the huge array of presets a real time saver when I want a specific sound from something. It would be possible to use an EQ plugin and recreate that setting but it takes a whole lot less time to just use EZ mix while you are demo-ing ideas.

    Maxwell Moujaes

    Hey man, really enjoyed the guitar tone on this track, I think it really nailed the vibe you were going for.

    Maxwell Moujaes

    Hey Rogue, no problem. Its my fault for not reading the policy first time around. Thankyou for your nice comments.

    Here are some very short originals with Metalheads EZX and a bit of EZ Mix

    Metalheads kit 1 with a bit of extra EQ ajustment in the Superior Mixer

    Metalheads/Avatar hybrid kit with the envelope filter on the toms and humanizing turned off (to try and get a kind of black metal processed drum sound) EZ mix was used to help guitar EQ

    Midi from LOTE+Metalheads was used.

    Unfortunately I only got Evil Drums very recently so I’ve not recorded any originals with it yet, hopefully I will have time to in the new year.

    Thanks for listening

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