Matti_1: We’re talking about Tempo changes within a Song, right? Changing Tempo of an entire Song is done below the Song Track. Just saying in case you missed it.
That’s right, within a song. I have different parts in the same song with different tempos, and I didn’t find a way to do that after importing the midi track.
I was about to buy EZDrummer 2, but I’m glad I tried the demo first. I exported a midi drum track from Guitar Pro (which is how a usually make drum “prototypes” since I’m a guitarist) and imported it into EZDrummer. It sounded awful due to lack of tempo changes. First I thought that there’s some magic setting somewhere that would make EZDrummer use the original tempos, but I guess I was wrong, now that I saw this thread. This would be a VERY important feature even for me who would only need the tool when writing new songs and demonstrating them to the other band members. Definately a deal breaker for me.
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