Hi guys, of course you are perfectly free to add your voices to request new features in Toontrack products, but I do not understand the referring of SD3 as “the premium” product and EZD3 as a “lesser” product.
The two have different target groups and as such have different feature sets. If they had the same feature sets, what would be the purpose of them being different products?
SD3 is geared more towards producers, studios and E-drummers who need the extra tweaking options, bells and whistles.
EZD3 gets you good sounding drums without any fuzz.
SD3 users “in general” tend to create their own MIDI or record people creating the drum MIDI live with other musicians.
EZD3 lets the user explore the existing MIDI and creatively modify it with Edit Play Style, the Grid Editor and of course Bandmate.
IMHO they are both premium products. Different target groups.
I don’t think they are two totally different target groups that you can easily separate. I think there is quite a potential or actual overlap of use cases and requirements. I am also a producer using SD3 because of the added flexibility etc., but I would highly appreciate the addition of the Bandmate feature. It would make a nice, natural, and useful (more powerful) extension to already existing features in SD3 like Edit Play Style and Song Creator. Adding Bandmate would make SD3 even more superior instead of kind of falling behind EZD3 with regard to intelligent features.
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