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  • Matthew Kudirka

    I actually didn’t need to create a separate stack for Rimshot. It just worked when I set up the other 2.

    when I select the snare drum, I then see 2 other instances of the snare.
    One is the rim click set at 1-40
    Second is the XStick set at 41 – 126
    Rimshot just worked at 127 so I left it alone. lol.

    Matthew Kudirka

    thanks, that was it. Yes. Stacking was the part I was missing. I thought you only had to stack Articulations that were’t already there. Thanks guys.

    Matthew Kudirka

    Rim Shot at 127 always works. I can still only get one of the others to work at a time. I have always been using the Gate property.

    so with it set to these parameters…

    1-40 rim only. You can hear this at these velocities.
    41-126 x stick you hear nothing at these velocities
    127 rimshot plays perfect.

    So at this point I click learn for xStick and learn it. now x stick works at the correct velocities. And Rim only is silent at it’s assigned velocities.

    I’ll apologize now that I’m a complete midiot.

    Matthew Kudirka

    I can’t comment on the td30/vh13 combo, but I had the exact same issue with my td15/vh11 combo. I switched back to using a cy5/fd7 combo and the HH sounds and plays awesome. I wasn’t a huge fan of this switch, but Im totally on board with it now. Very happy with the sound and smoothness.

    Matthew Kudirka

    Im an idiot. I see it now. I kept looking for it on the tracking tab. It’s right there on the Drums tab. So easy. I don’t want to record other instruments. just drums. this works for me.

    thanks man.

    Matthew Kudirka

    awesome, thanks man.

    Matthew Kudirka

    I really enjoyed this one. Very good job.

    Matthew Kudirka

    it seams that in Reaper for my Mac it’s called Block Size. which I now have set to 128.(this may have fixed it) not sure as I was away the past weekend. So I haven’t sat with it much I hope to get some time in this week.

    in TT Solo it’s still called Buffer and I have it set to 64.

    I really don’t use Solo, I prefer to use Reaper so I can just start recording when I want to.

    Matthew Kudirka

    OS is El Capitan. fully updated.
    My TD15 is updated to 1.14 and driver is 1.0.1.

    I dont understand all the buffering and Block settings. I’ve set my Block size to 128. that gives me 3.0 ms latency. I had it set to 64 and that gave me 1.7ms latency. I thought that may be the problem but it didn’t help. I may move it back to 64.

    Matthew Kudirka

    awesome, that was it. thanks John,

    Im going to dig in and start messing with the Midi Nodes. very cool feature. Im sure I’ll have more questions soon. lol.

    Matthew Kudirka

    Thanks John. That was exactly what I was looking for. So easy it’s embarrassing lol.

    Matthew Kudirka

    that sounds like what I’m looking for. I need to understand routing to busses and outputs. I’m away for a few days but will figure it out when home. Can’t wait.

    Thank you for the response.

    Matthew Kudirka

    I dont use EZ Drummer 2, but I know it has a quantize feature. do you maybe have that turned on for recording? if you have quantize set and you’re not playing what it’s set to, dropped notes are what usually happens.

    Matthew Kudirka

    HI Roubooboo, Im running pretty much the exact setup as you. Only real difference is I only have 8gb of Ram and I use the TD as the interface. Im getting pretty much zero latency as well. Have you tried removing the Focusrite from the equation.I just plug my TD15 directly into my pc and Im not getting any latency. I use Reaper as well. I dont even bother with Solo any more just because I don’t need to.

    Do you find a difference using the Focusrite as opposed to just going direct? I would think less gear would be better. But I could be wrong. Just trying to understand the difference. And if I should I be using an external interface.

    Matthew Kudirka

    Just an update if anyone else has the issue with samples cutting out on a vh 11. I recalibrated my VH11. On a TD15 it is important to go into the HiHat settings, and when your in the screen with the veritcal graph, with the hi hat clutch disengaged, so the vh11 is resting on the sensor, you then need to turn the ‘Offset Adjustment” Screw until the two arrows turn black(I opened mine all the way up then turned it clockwise until the arrows filled in black). I don’t know why the hi hat played fine with some Samples and internal sounds and not others, but this really made the hi play much better with the Roots. It actaully plays better with all of them. Im guessing the Roots samples have more articulations so a vh11 in need of calibration can bring out more flaws. Anyways, it’s playing great now.

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