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  • Martwells

    Hello John.

    thank you for your response.
    here are the answers to your comments.

    1. yes in SETUP, F1 > MIDI > GLOBAL > SOFT THRU > OFF LOCAL CONTROL OFF those are the setting I understand shouldbe so the TD!” does not make sounds.

    2. yes I updated now that I installed in a MAC I did all the stuff TT asked me even the TT Product Manager app.

    3. in about TT it says version 1.3.2 64 BIT.

    4. I think you are right, the TD12 is not sending any info to the UMONE or the MAUDIO interface.. I hate the Roland TD12. why don’t you speak with the President of TT and tell him or her to make 2 things, either a whole module with all the cool sounds of TT that you can use like a TD 12. or they can also make a small module interface like the ALESIS TRIGGER IO but made by TT so everything is the same company and everything works and is simple to connect!! that is the future right there, not these analog, crap Roland module that have outdated sounds and graphics.. they are stuck in 1990. TT should take over all these products. just my 5 cents of opinion.

    5. if its not the EDRUMS in the mapping, which do I select, there has to be something selected in that section?

    thanks John.. the thing is I have no way of testing the MIDI out of the TD12.. it there any simple way to test that?


    and if I connect the cable that says CONNECT TO MID IN to any of the 2 TD12 MIDI ports nothing happens, none of the light on the interface light up.


    I am starting to think the TD12 is bad and doesn’t send the MIDI signal? although the MIDI IN lights up on both MAUDIO and UMONE lights when I connect the the CONNECT TO MIDI OUT cable to the OUT in the TD12. the light says that lights up is the MIDI IN light. is that correct?
    I will write that again to see if something is wrong.

    when I connect the UMONE and MAUDIO cable that says CONNECT TO TO MIDI OUT, the light that turns ON is the MIDI IN light on the little interface.. is that correct or should the OUT light turn on? thats the only thing I see that maybe is weird.


    Thank You Matthew.

    years ago I first purchased a M AUDIO miDI to USB interface and tried and tried and TT did not recognize it so I bough the Roland UM ONE think they are the same brand etc etc.. and the same problem. I have intstalled both drive for both M AUDIO and UM ONE and nothing happens, same problem so I can’t imagine both are bad.. that would be weird.. also on the MAC system information it says both are running. The M AUDIO tuns the light on as soon as I connect it to the TD12 and when I unplug it it shuts off so it is recognizing the TD12.

    I have connected the MIDI cables the opposite as you say and I just didi it again to confirm what you are saying but nothing happens, in the MIDI DEVICES it says there are no midi devices available.

    I normally connect the MIDI cables how the plug itself says. CONNECT TO MIDI OUT.

    the software does not see that there is a USB MIDI device connected.. thats the whole problem, or that the TD12 is not sending the signal or something…


    Thank you Matthew.
    Yes, I installed all drivers twice to make sure.
    That image you placed.. I don’t get those options any options in the MIDI DEVICES option in TT. nothing is recognized.
    in the MAC system information it says the Roland UMONE is running fine.
    when I am in Toontrack and go to OPTIONS > MIDI DEVICES > it says no midi devices available, now my Trigger IO is available but not the UM ONE.

    I installled Superior Drummer today on a Mac for the first time, I use PC. This guy Mike in German told me that he uses MAC and doesn’t have a problem so I gave it a shot. The latency using the Trigger IO is basically none so I will play with TT for the first time tomorrow with this in 4 years of owning the program. I have never had a MAC and never have liked MACs so never even considered installing TT in one since I have never owned one.

    I would like to figure out why the UM ONE is not being detected on the MAC and why on the PC TT does not gets it signal… on the PC it detects it but no signal is being recognized. I made these videos for MIKE in Germany so you can see. if you like

    these 2 videos are on the PC before I installed on the MAC

    basically the same is happening only that the Um ONE does not appear in the TT MIDI options on the MAC

    thanks for your time Matthew!


    hello GUIPRIX and John.
    I have had this same problem for 4 years! and never been able to solve it! I purchased SD2.0 for like 350$ and have never ever been able to use it, I have tried every year and given up.. I am past the frustration and economic loss.. I just have to get this working now. I have even communicated with a guy in Germany that tried to help but couldn’t get to the problem either.. I will explain very simply so it doesn’t get long.

    the main problem is that Superior Drummer does not recognize the USB interface, it doesn’t pop up in the AUDIO option

    1. I have a Roland TD12
    2. I have a Roland UM ONE MIDI to USB interface
    3. I have SD2.0 installed on a PC laptop with a lot of ram (doesn’t recognize USB interface)
    4. Also have a MAC with SD2.0 (does recognize USB interface either)
    5. I bought a ALESIS TRIGGER IO to see if it worked.. it DOES WORK, it recognizes the module but the latency is too much
    6. I was told if I use the ROLAND TD12 the latency is none.
    7. On the TD12 I have the MIDI settings on SOFT THRU > OFF and LOCAL CONTROL > OFF
    8. The ROLAND UM ONE detects the computer and detects the TD12
    9. The pad is good and the cable is good, there is no signal anywhere in Superior Drummer
    10. In Superior Drummer in MAPPING, I set the MIDI > NOTE MAPPING > E DRUMS
    11. I don’t need the TD12 if I can solve the latency with the ALESIS TRIGGER IO but I have the LATENCY SETTINGS on 64 and is still too much latency with the TRGGER IO.
    12. there is no option other option in AUDIO DEVICE > CORE AUDIO > BUILT IN OUTPUT on the MAC computer.. It should give the option of ROLAND UM ONE


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